Show r RANDOM Send me inc more like the last ast Is the order after using LewIs Good Coal Phone Some Seine butter butler requires an aid in di dig digestion g stion B G digests itself and other food as well From Annie Goates or of Lehi accompanied b her daughter spent Saturday with her sister oIls Mrs Emma Lindsey of oC this city hUe on her way to Nampa Idaho where she will visit another daughter for a con cou pie pic or of months Tonight Congress DancIng academy Girls wan wanted led at the n Canning rJ C Two weeks work On Shooting II H Anderson I left Ogden today for a two weeks tour o of Idaho points attending shoot lug tournaments MI iri Anderson will visit Hailey and Boise The Removal of the Forest Service front from the First National Bank Haule Build Building lag ing make vacant a number of fine office rooms by December 1st Ro Re serration can now be made b by apply I Ing at the building room 21 and board hy by young man employed e in store close in inState State Slate price B 20 care Standard P ners at telegraph office building at the Union depot dellot t both inside and Is 15 in the of a gang of painters Take advantage or of the big sale at atthe atthe the Princess Millinery Co 2371 Wash Ae A dolls hat gIven awn with i esery 00 I have hac that good coal Asael Farr Coal Co Extra l todaY the Overland limited leaving euing Chicago will carr carry nn an extra Standard Pullman sleeper to accommodate the tho overflow winter travel on the tho Chicago Northwestern the Pacific and Southern Pacific The extra sleeper will ho bo maintained all winter For Sale Re Real ll always have hae a farm to sell HU HUNTER KE KENNEDY NED Kemmerer Coal guaranteed tho best besl Sold only b by M L Jones Coal Co had Ind Bell Storm on the high wind on the tho Great Salt Lake yesterday morn lug delayed traffic raffle on the Southern Pacific about two hourn The wind was Yer ver stron strong anti and lashed the tho WRes over over tile the trestle work The f sides ldes of the coach coaches s of one of the tho trains were covered with a spray o of I tall Reports front from the various allous stat sta I Ions on tho are arc that the on mint at atone one or two had been heen weakened but bat not enough to do an iny damage or t work stork t fth nJ I t were act at w rl repaIring the flur your our garments a athe t the tho Utah Knitting Co They Thoy make them Sale now on 30 2 th St Gone to Clyde Leavitt has gone goue to Provo today to la 10 5 connected with the forest service lee Gillette Coal ConI Co West est phones 1074 Home Hm Homo Ilonie Culture club will meet on Thursday after noon with Mrs J O 0 Cross t street STORAGE at rates tD in good sooL brIck building J If you ou ne d any room consult Jo Joha a SoDS Sona Company i Recovering His C I Pearce the carpenter who fell about sixty feet while at work on the new Ogden en theater a couple of weeks ago ngo ngoI I is improving rapidly and will be bc able to the tho hospital within tho next tew days Mr Ir Pearce ed ne fire broken ribs the lie broken end Of r one piercing Ute the left leil lung a badly frae frac fractured arm antI a lacerated and ell ed body The Tue doctors claim it Is al almost almost most it the tho roan man stir sur the In DOs cs It Is thought that he may ha a stiff elbow hut but other wise sIse ho will conic come through the ordeal a well titan man Few good men can get winter om at the Sugar Factory Factor b by ape ap applying I plying to the Superintendent nt at the Factory P Paving ving on Then street Is completed and the asphalt men are pushing the thc work or of paving the east cast side or of Tall Vall avenue between and Twenty third streets Rushing the Theater carpenters are making a fine show I In lag on the Interior of the tho Ogden then thea thenor tel or and It Is the Intention o of the con contractors contractors tractors to sacrifice this tho building of all other parts of the structure for the completion o of the stage anti and the antI aud the object being to prepare for the holIday shows Considerable delay has been heen occasioned however hC because of Inability to gel needed ma material at the propel time Secretary I II II I of the Weber club is con coa I Improved and it is 15 hoped lie he will be able to return to his desk with lii a short tine lime Ho has been quite ill for a number of days dars of trouble Marriage licen licenses I SOS ses have hae been issued at the office of County Count Clerk DYe to the following Alfred and Edith McLaughlin both of Liberty Libert James E Jones and Hazel both o North Ogden James and E B Rhodes both of Liberty Libert Sue for Utah Association of Credit ijen en he have brought suit still in iii the district court to collect Ulon five fio causes of action from L D Smyth Trying to Collect Og Ogden den Provision company compan has brought stilt suil in the district court against F E to collect money mOlley upon six causes of action The alleges that lint the de defendant fondant was a director of the company he arid aud used for his own private funds that had not been re repaid paid The amounts range ranga from t to ln or 01 for or the tho six causes Case Cise of Alex the dis court before ludge Howe this morning the tho attorney for fOl AleX Wat at aters ers cis the negro charged with attempt to murder med filed an objection and motion to quash the information In Inthe the tho case The Tho hearing on the motion will bo b held beld next |