Show SOUSA DELIGHTS A LARGE AUDIENCE Sousa his band and his soloists charmIngly entertained a crowd crowll o of people last night which filled the large Jarge auditorium at the Tabernacle Sousa has long been the tho idol of the music loving public and last night accorded him still lill greater laurels The Tho easy grace graco of the leader the reo re or of his and the beau beautiful music len rendered took the audi once enco by storm and encore after encore was called for Cor forThe The Iho work of the tho soloists was wail goo good bitt Herbert L Clarke the took the tho house lJ by storm The violin by br Miss Hardeman wa was well executed Her encore To a Wild Roso no by the harp was superb The MIsses Hoyt I were received and andas ns as enthusIastically recalled The was Interspersed with grand nd opera and light opera antI anel I Sousas ever pleasing marches The music was as greatly appreciated hy by tho students and others but the entire audience was vIsibly affected when wilen I the tho band struck up tip such auch marches as El EI Capitan and Stars and Stripes Forever The audience was highly amused b bIr by Mr Ir Sousas conception of The chorus to this popular song was played for the most moat part hart on the tho Pibroch I roch and at the end of each straIn I could fairly hear the Instrument I say n Harritan Harrigan Mo MoThe Ie Th The c program rendered last night I was as follows 1 Overture Wagner Vagner Encore El I Capitan Sousa I 2 Cornet solo Showers or of Gold Clarke Mr lr Herbert T L Clarke I I Encore from Liccia 3 suite People Who Live In Glass Hou cs Sousa a The Champagne b The Rhine Wines Vines c The rhe WhIskeys d The Cordials Encore Dondo 4 Vocal ocal duet duct Como Come to Arcadie Edward German Misses Francis and Grace Hot Hoyt I Encore In Cuba 6 5 Prelude to the Russian drama Crino Crimo and Punishment R Inoff Encore The Fairest of the ilio Fair G C and alIt from sec BOC second and ond suIte Encore anti and Harrigan I Pibroch 7 a I b March The Glory of tilts thu Yankee Nay Navy Sousa I The Tue Sl stars rs and auth Stripes Forever S 8 for violin In Romeo and Juliet MIss Florence Hardeman Encore To a Wild Rose 9 Rhapsody Slavonic Fried Friedman man r |