Show rW ARRINER S Mrs Stewart Will Make Public the Mame of Blackmailer Cincinnati 0 No Nov maIntaInIng that is the ma mcI I mum of oC the shortage charged against Charles Oharles lj L deposed local treasurer of the Dig Four In Inthis inthis this Cit it Is known that the officials are arc continuIng their investigation A report that at least ono one hIgh officIal in inthe inthe the local end of the Dig Big Four had bad ten teu tendered dered his resIgnation as a result ot of the tho disclosures went vent the tho rounds of railroad circles earl early today but Lut no confirmation of It could be had At tile the big Four a dozen ox ex expert pert accountants were engaged In checking over books and those In charge declared there was nothing additional to give out toda today which would add to tine Information heretofore made mado public In statements In II this cIty find In the central office In Iii tue east easl Mrs Jeannette Stewart promised interesting In the case today Locked In a safety safely deposit box under her name Mrs Stewart do de dares that she sho holds letters from the Chicago o man who has been named as one of time the blackmailers of WarrIner These rhese she Silo she will make public at the propel time limo Thoy have Pressed me too hard she he said anti I he have to defend lily colt cel I hold these letters and wh hen henI n nI I make them public e those around the Dig Foul Foun offices sit imp and ond take notice Why lI dont they arrest me If they thoy think Ive Ic taken mone money Those letters will tell why Wi the they dont arrest me inc Mrs Stewart declared all of oC the others Implicated In tile the case have agreed to Lo throw all Ute the burden on her herAnd herAnd And I wont It IL silo she added ive 10 tried to keep out of thIs but they wont let me I anI only hope they let me inc go before tile the grand jury If IC the they dont Ill brIng the tho hole busi business ness Into Inlo court myself for J I am deter detor Mrs Stewart called up Irs Charles Charies They rhe had an extended con conversation over oer time tho Mrs Irs Stewart said Mrs Warriner admitted time the conversation but Lul to go o into InLo details Asked if she had bad ever received an any from the Chicago man meIl as one of the Warriner black Mrs Stewart admitted she had hut but said If time the the tho fruit of blackmail sue she dId diel not know It at tile time She reiterated that I she never nover received a cent from Ironi War Var Warriner rIner L JI Hackney general counsel of I the Foul and 1 L Cox treas treasurer treasurer I of oC the NOW NOs York orl Central left today toda for rOl New York to confer with President Brown Vice President FinnIs and other officials of tile the New NewYork ew York Central lines hines Auditor P A Hewitt who remains here practically in charge of BIg Four affaIrs said ho he had not resigned nor did lie he Intend to toI I dont know of any disposition on the part of my superiors rs said he to wish mr |