Show I DENVER PREACHERS OPEN CAMPAIGN Denver Dener Nor No preachers today began a campaign to make Den Denver Denver ver dry and to put woman suffrage to the tho test Eighty preachers m met t to cH ness the tho formation of nit fin organization which will conduct the campaign proceed proceedIng lug Ing next net springs election Another and larger meeting will be held this week Preaches Preachers at the meeting loda today said the election would be mado the final test of womans power in Colorado and that It would he largely for Cor woo wo women men to lo decide the question Many Iran preachers expressed con confidence In their ability to carr carry the election This Is based on a recent state supreme court decision that where a town or city gives the drys n majority the entire township shall halI be dry and not just those precincts In which the dry had a majority |