Show I THE LIVE WIRE MAY GIVE YOU A SHOCK The gentleman who was employed by t e Democrats to lo wrIte their sc n dalous attacks In rood good English and present their fulminations In a serial story stony has repented cast aside all evil prop propensities and asked to he be forgiven Being or of a forgiving nature we said Let bygones b bo and have Instructed him to do penance by br writing a column each da day under the heading Live Wire the tho first In Installment installment of which appears on this pago of The Thc Standard The writ writer r says sas lie he has escaped from Crom froman Croman an asylum s Having come to us direct from Democratic headquarters where I We aro told bedlam reigned one night sonic time limn ago we are forced to acv ac acI cent his statement as correct I The clevor young writer tal takes e upon I himself all responsibility for or acts aels of commission and omission In Ills his de department I as wo carry carrr no uro go unarmed and some sometimes sometimes I times itt in the line of duty stay star out outI I late lalo anti and walk home through dark I I streets there thoro Is no disposition on our ouri i part to rob the author of oC 11 ity The honor and risk are arc all 11 his own I I I The column should prove entertain In gib as It is a sort Hort or of a salmagundI I |