Show ANXIETY IN SALT LAKE CITY I UNTIL CORRECT NEWS COMES SnIt Salt Lane No Nor I was caused In tho homes of several of the most prominent residents of Salt Lake City when the reports of the automobile accident as printed in the Chicago papers this morning reached this city The Chicago papers in searching for a clue ns as to the probable of the thc victims of the accident apparently called up the various autO autOmobile mobile garages to learn If nn any car had been missed The reporters seem to have learned that the automobile of J E of this city had not returned and In inquiry at the hotel at which he had been stepping developed the fact that he and his party had left for the do o pot to talco a train west rutting two and two together ns its the they thought th tb apparently reached the tho con elusion that Mr lr C party was the one that had be been n wiped out In tho fearful accident It as not until friends of lr cu griEf griff who had seen the tho parts ii ba depot depol reported this tact to thi th news newspapers papers after reading the a count the accident that the story was shown to be a mistake Jn In the the tho stori had been heen telegraphed to Snit Salt ly ir of the Cosgriff family living here made over even effort to verily eri or 01 to reach the truth lruth about l the le stor Sell Seii ator atOl Thomas Kearns was one of those most actively in and at lis I holiest behest the thc railway company ua 5 asked to do all in Its to get word to Salt Lake City a as to r the Coagriff party really on the tho Los Angeles limited train which leaves Chicago at 10 ii and which It il as that COS 11 party part planned to wesL wesLIn In the party part were Ni Cosgriff tiC of this elt city his T r il ilof of Cheyenne Wyo T O his sister E C Fife of It If ife I l W E Fife of 01 this city her I Mrs Irs r Eu II B Miller Iiller Ul ot va ta and others Even before the dispatches giving tho correction o oa the he story this city friends of the members of the party part who were verc a ll with ChIcago wore were Inclined to that the story was il a ml lah fl f hI rca rea reason son that it was known that the party part was to La leave the tho Chicago orth western depot anti and not lie he I de depot h pot In reaching that from the hotel it would zut n c if them to cross the Chicago river Mr 11 Fifo Fib had r 1 a i from Mrs Irs Fife last just a fv minutes before the ty tor v 11 she told lold him that they thoy wel were to star slUt home and the roue 1 d I til Nevertheless there ri some som 2 of anxiety for relatives OS In ibi city until the correction or of the c Ci cago cago stor story came cama oer the thc wire About Aboul the same time tIr Mr Fife an another another other telegram from his wife report reportIng Ins Ing that tha d arrived safely at t Omahu I |