Show CiOTH IG ci 51 a Week H 54 a Month I and ai mol Mig 1 I t FOR WOMEN elegant Fall Suits Slits Dl Coats CaI s Skirts Skirt t I Millinery and other apparel FOR MEN MENNow EN I Now New Fall Suits Suite Coats Hats md anti Shoes Also clothing for forI forA A Youths and anCi Children Prices as low as in an any cash ash I I stOre tor and a 1 credit Dont forget that ITS WORTH I 1 THE T OO TLE A r CO HARRY Mgr St StI f FROM I I OGDEN A AALT AND SALT ALT LAKE I to toI I CHICAGO AND D RETURN ii DATES OF SALE Nov ov and f I RETURN LIMIT December 1909 VISIT UnIted States Land Irrigation Exposition I Nov to Dec International Live LIvo Exhibition Nov to Dec For Further Particulars Apply to toC toC C F WARREN I GenI AgtA T S F Ry By Judge Building Salt Lake City LADIES Having enlarged my Hair Dressing j Parlors I can now with able assistants assist I i ants accommodate all patrons by 1 appoIntment or call Hotel and home hom cUis promptly answered Vork done FRENCH MASK MASSAGE scalp treatment tonic shampoo lag Ideas In Hair Dressing I Imported Hair Goods and Toilet Re Hair at moderate charges Mail orders given prompt Ladles invited to rest room roomI I TEACH THE THINGS I DO DOP I P and correspondence lions Bell 13 J KELLAR T ir Wash TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY s 1 1 GOOD solicItor tine opportunity for 1 rIght party Street Bell BellI I phone hJ e iSlY L crank for or an automobile nt at W Hot Springs Return to Standard 11 1 1 wk r STANDARD EDITORIAL ROOMS Ind Phone two No 5 Be Bell Phone two No 66 58 OFFICE Ind Phone ring Nt Nc 86 O OBell Bell Phon One ring rinD No Sd RANDOM ANDO must nave their COP copy Co or orthe the Evening Standard the evening be Cure rore the day dav on the tho advertise went ment Is to appear In order to insure publication In the tho baking of o He s Bread all band work Is eliminated His Bank A Ho Hoard How Howard ard of almu hn Wisconsin was W S arrested ar rested Ia last t night on the tho corner cornor of Vall ail arenLt and street and brought to the station statton as a common drunk He was under the Influence of liquor when lie ht arrived at the tho po police police lice station and could not talk connectedly con but he claimed that when ho he left Salt Lake early In the after afternoon noon he had about a hundred dollars dollarson on him He showed the officers a so sc crot pocket where lw lie had the money moner hidden but when ho he was searched they could find none Tl TI Is thought that while trying to lo hunt out all the saloons In town he became with some seine of oC the hangers on and they rolled him Call Allen phones 22 for or carriages for or funerals and operas Private calls n L SpeCialty Also prompt delivery ot of Call up Parker Parler Co for rates on lump nut and Parker Co Coal C Co CoTo To Visit His Old the popular night ticket agent at the Union Depot has gone to Lo visit his old home In the east cast lIe will be awn away for about a month Buy Bur your coal from Aseal Parr Coal Co Dealers In all of coal md Ind 41 Bell 25 Springs g Castle Gate and Lud Clear Creel Creek Gillette Coal Co 53 Wes est St Phones 1074 Robbed Restaurant meu entered the Central restaurant last niGht and after ordering a meal sent I Ithe the walter Into the baciz room to lo get I them a bottle boltl or of beer beel Tho waltel who was alone went into another room and while he was there the men went through the tho till taking a about out 20 A description was given to the police pollee and amI tho they are working on the ease case Another Lucky Coal rom 4 00 up 2001 In each ton Lon Shurtliff Co Phones iS Basketball Teams to Enter Contest Basketball is agitated In the tho slate now and It Is 15 expected that to todar jay dar the Ogden High school the Weber We Weber ber Academy the Deaf and Blind school and the tho Industrial school will Ill receive invItatIons to enter teams in Inthe th the n league Coal call up Parl Parker er Co for rates ates on lu lump p nut and slack Baby Dies In North H Orton Orlon the son or of Francis H and Mary Moore Orton died at the tho houw bom of his grandfather County Commissioner Frank Moore ol of North orth Ogden yesterday The funeral will be held Friday Frida at 2 from the ward meeting house to lo loan n on my good real e estate Ceo Geo J Kelly Anthracite your our bin he bo booie fore oie cold weather Phone 27 John Parr Farr CARD OF THANKS Wo ro wish to thank our many friends anti and all who us In our time of grief and sorrow wo we especially wish to thank the tho speakers and those who hiO delivered the beautiful songs at atthe atthe the funeral of our Husband and Fath or cr Mrs D C Dalton and Family t 1 B BH H I The Difference In your our baking when you ou try Crescent nt Flour and decide to always have bave such as the trial proves You rou can obtain The Th best of wheat wheal milled in the beet of ways was Is hi bound to produce the thc j I best flour for Cor making Good Dread Bread I Make Mako your Bread Good b by CRESCENT FLOUR I om f s today 7 1 1 D of ion Is usually the result of improper food i Right food will correct the trouble Grape S Sin in n a lc l lr i mad pu food t nourishes nd the weakest stomach I There Theres s a Reason for Giving Away the I tailor has hus adopted a novel method metho of oC celebrating Thanksgiving lIe Is gly I Ing away a turkey and cranberries to patrons I DOCTOR ON FOOD I IA Experimented on Himself A physicIan or of Gallon O 0 says For the tho last few years I ha have vo been beena a 11 sufferer from and ale al although though I have hao used varIous remedies and prepared foods with Uh some somo ben benefit it was not until r I tried Grape Nuts that I was completely cured As a 1 food It Is pleasant and agreeable agree able ver very nutrItious ant and Is digested and with very little effort on the part of the digestIve organs As a nerve nene food nn and restorer It has no equal l and ns as such Is espe eBIe daIly adapted to and other othel brain workers It contains the ole cle clements ments necessary for tor the building of nore tissue and b by so doing malti malil an equilibrium of waste and re repair pair pail lOlL It also enriches the tho blood b by giving an Increased number of rell blood corpuscles and in this way strength strengthens ens all the tho organs providing a vital fluid made morO more nearly perfect I take great froat pleasure In recommending Its It I uso to m my patients tJ en t for I 1 value it as a food and know It will benefit aU all who uso It IL Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich J Ac VAN ADS BRiNG BIG RESULTS E I BARONS for Quality i iJ 3 w J rite discriminating man mall with whom character and distinctive distinctiveness the considerations will grant giant that ness in clothes lothes are great those very elements together with quality and value are pre preeminent preeminent r eminent in inI I Barons Special Suits Ir I at 15 H r I II These suits have no weak spots pots I They hong hang and fit just as perfectly as if m made d to your i arc stylish to the highest for any of any taste Suppose YOl you get in touch with this surprised value Rlue Mens Suits und and Young Mens College st lc Suits At 1500 I I II OPERATORS I II 2345 OF TEN WASHINGTON I AVENUE STORES r I 1 Li J lV oEy I l WI I 1 j is In t J I S from Wash Aveo rc r rt t tato sons g of o wo arni three pieced I r ro 7 o er Si Q 7 I Lt Vr You Yon have hundreds of stun stunning ning different st styles les to choose froman assortment ll a 11 city 5 times the size size of Og r of oC ofden g den could ho be prowl proud of Each tab day sees runny many new arrivals 0 of on the tho r I By winch h i t i menns we have heen to f keep the splendid r e emont mont ec ece e 1 he Tremendous Sales J ll i ero Most Sull Suil fl 1 I hs Ann jp b 31 or Suits have i been selected and placed for c ceasy I or easy fitting at the Great Jf f 0 count of I J lb r rIn H rH In this showing are suits that j Ion sold from 2000 to Children s P 9 Coa s oC Sizes 1 to 6 Carsa great as 5 collection to tr choose from in in v I h hi i et 1 cr c am and 1 4 ter Bear Bar skins You may mar choose I lid for 13 their usual pr price cc 2 o oS S ir Vc ar arc showing the great greatest tu tur est Cst line 0 ot r J Ladies 1 les J I l Misses i I sa 6 anti and Childrens Coals to be le seen in Ogden at prices ch v can not but please the I most shrewd buyer I 1 I I cli ch f In Dres Goods Goodsaid I and aid Silk SUk S Sale le It H Pays to L Lv L J JT ItS v T n I u e c s h throughout the thC entire two Buy at of departments J Prices for the week ck which J BUR lJ T 1 S I i il C you should not miss l r I I 4 Eyeglasses I Fit Your Eyes Fit Your Nose Fit Your Purse j 4 A MI II kinds 0 of f optical repair work carefully and I f promptly attended to tos s 4 t I lU in testing eyes ejes the best results are obtained t i In the n when your eyes are at rest It rp ManufacturIng OpticIan 2464 WashIngton Ave |