Show ARE AALL CAllED ROBBERS farmers Who Fail to Properly Care for forthe forthe the Soil Washington No 0 ISome lie tho steady increase of iu the tho United States Is l bound to overtax the tho ability of the farmer to for Its sustenance ul hut that da day Is remote according to Secretary Wilton of the tho Agricultural or will It be necessary In the Immediate future futuro to import grain for bread standing the doleful predictions of sonic some publicists Everything depends upon the tho farmers disposition tion to make malte the most of thc lie resources of his land anti and to improve his nieth meth methods of agriculture In accordance with the he t n neds eds The Tho is fOl foi a great reaL increase In the tho production or Of wheat In the lie sec opinion and rOl two n first the th greatly marler value alue of that lint staple would surel surely tempt the American farmers to plant II wheat anti I second than Its to the discovery of the possibility or growing durum wheat In a large parc ot of the country hitherto regarded as there would he be a great greut addition to the annual crop total But nul the thc Agricultural department does not like the tho methods ll by br the growers Soil robbers exclaimed DI Gal loa tawny who imn is iro matting malting a special study of tho ho grain and the secretary 5 to the designation Great are ato farming tracts of ten thousand acres In wheat planting the cro again and again without regard to the tho necessary rotation that would Insure the lie soil against exhaustion That was OliO cite of the tho things the tho sec 1 had In mind when ho ha said bet bettel tel tal farming would be ro 10 i to produce aI LIl the hc wheat the he r American n would Of ld n nc nl l lOf |