Show CLARKE AND WAGNER TI TIRED RED OF BASEBALL Chicago No Nov that lh the baseball season Is ended and Pitts Pittsburg I burg has won the worlds champion championship ship anti and fulfilled the dearest wIsh of President Barney Barner Dreyfuss heart it seems seem that the victory has been bought at a price which the owner of the Pirates does not want to lo 11 pay the lie retirement of Hans Wagner anti and Manager Fred Clarke I I Ho has already spoken to Hans and Fred re regarding the tho prospects for lor season and Is saId to have mol met with no encouragement It Is not a question of money that worries Dreyfus a for tor he lets his man manager ager and star shortstop write thc their lr own terms 1 Both players are tired of the tho strife and struggle of the diamond They are well supplied with the goo goods S of thIs world and arc aro eager to spend the tho thorest rest or of their days with their fam Last Spring Wagner Vaguer stayed away I from his team until after atter the season had opened but came back and ted his team Into victory and into luto r two championships Those champion championships j ships are now regarded as the price of his ble retirement He honestly rants ants to spend his I da days s In peace with his family on his farm CarOl and it Is declared that he has positively refused to entertain an any t proposition whatever regarding nn an othor season acason with the Pittsburg club l Ma anger Fred Clarke Is just as t eager to quit the game He fears that In a short time he will have to retire to the bench in favor of a younger when he gets out ot of game Itself f all interest fOr him in the pastime Is gone He FTc played the Ule best game of his life In the tho past season Sonson and dots does f r not want to hold on until oblIged to I dIrect the team from the tho bench Before leaving Pittsburg Pitts burg for biz western ranch Clarke declared ho might lot got come back and th hal t he wanted to retire Man Many National r leaguers are now saying that he has mado up his mind to stay star out |