Show THEATER TO OPEN MAS WITH willI VIM h LUSON MANAGER While In the city Tuesday after afternoon noon John Cart Cort of oC the Northwestern Theatrical association for whom tho Peery Ia 13 building the new theater on Street Allison t The Tho lo was offered to Mr Allison and he ac accepted the same sarno and will as assume ume his as soon as the Ule house Is com coin completed I Tn In speaking of the opening of the tho house Mr Con COrl stated slated that it would open at Christmas It wa om 01 not as a number of shows In here beginning at that time He s that time class of shows that would be given to the Ogden patrons would be of oC tho first class order and would Include sarno of the latest cas eastern torn successes The Tho new theater which wIll he be known as Thi Ogden Theater Mr Corl Coit stated slated would be one or of the most beautiful pin pIll hou houses e in the state amid ex excel et the In Salt Lake City It will he equipped with all the tho latest improvements that could be had to make it II as modern as an any metropolitan I Ill Mi Cart Cort conferred with IT H HE ITH H E and II H J Peery regarding the fur furnishing and interior decorations and the seats all or of which are arc to be the best A beautiful glass canopy canopy will he built over the sidewalk covering I the ho entrance to the theater Above Aboe tile canopy will lie he an Immense elec I Inc sign that will greatly greally illuminate the sl street reet as well as ad advertising the tho thoI I attraction playing at the house hous I |