Show r HOW DID IT HAPPEN The people are aJI wondering how bow it happened Thousands or of dollars were lost on the election The rho only way to account for the great victory won h by thc Republicans Is to repeat the story that Judge Murphy told out it t Five Points during the recent campaign n Hp II said that th land campaign lie he was on a train corn com lg ng from New ew York an and 1 that he be was SIttIng in the thc and a gentleman came camo rushing into the car wIth a hIgh standup collar on and a diamond n his cravat and three or four m n his fingers and he said Blame Blaine Is going Joing to he elected Wo We have hae ju just t I n tr 1 v t tc Iii l the P Pullman and It Is IS for and only 1 12 for An IrIshman cas sitting In the cor corner cornor nor ner a pipe and he de took his pipe out of his mouth and saId sll I 1 guess that Is the way the tho In th Pullman car right Hut Ht we take th the straw otc on the gravel train lie to When the votes voteD came In Blaine was as defeated and Cleveland was elected That said Judge the tho same condition in the present campaign A w vote tc one evening up In the chill clun showed S for Brewer and 5 j for hut butt when the ote was counted coming com ing from Crom the mid and the property own owners rs wh bless you Glasmann was elected An And that Is how It happened |