Show I REPUBLICANS WIN I BY CLEAN I Indianapolis Nov No declared tonight that the defeat of Democrats In was a ue do feat Ceal of the tho liquor Interests of the state which had contributed l largely to tho ho fund used In the effort to elect Gauss mayor In several other law enforce was the principal Issue and the victories wore divIded between the factions At Evansville supporters of T r J Nolan mayor made their fight on the declaration that Nolan stood for strict enforcement of oC the saloon laws and that the election of the tho Republican candidate Hollman mean that thal the city would be opened up tip HeItman won Tole Toledo o No Nov WhItlock author and political successor of the late lato Golden Rule Rulo Mayor II H Jones was vuis elected mayor for a third time today Practically the entire In independent dependent t ticket was elected FaIrl Fairly complete returns show that Whitlocks plurality over oer David Dald T r Davies Dales Republican lican Is about compared with two years ears ago i Louisville Nov late lato I tonight wore that W V O 0 Heade Demo Domo Democrat crat mayoralty candidate has won over ocr Mayor James F Grinstead Re candidate for or reelection b by 1000 Own Talor citizens party candidate but about one thousand and George D Todd Inde Independent pendent Republican 36 votes The election of tho entire Democratic tick ticket ticket et for councilmen municipal and coun count t ty officers Is con conceded coded by the hans lIans But Dut ono one serIous clash with negroes occurred Moses Perkins White as shot and Instantly hilled b by a negro who escaped |