Show COll t T HAS HASA A EART I Justice Does an In Injustice jus justice tice Which the Court egrets s Washington No Nov popular belief that the court is s wil with h heart a fatal hi ow yes yesterday which was hY by bythe the thc court Itself in HI an opinion In the tl case caso of Sarah S Fall Fail versus beth lieth Eastin The case grow out of n a divorce in the state slate o of Washington hut but WitS was an effort to quiet quiel title to a apiece piece of land which the tho courts sought to co to Fa Fall 11 who now is a of Nebraska The court could nol give gle her tue land lan but Justice who I tho pinIon said In effect that it would do so If the lie law did not stand in the way The divorce was grant granted ed to Mrs Fall Fail in Kings county count Washington In Tn In the Iho settlement ordered h by the court cOUlt Mrs Fall Fail was awarded a tract of land Imd owned h by Fall in Hamilton county Nebraska and alil as Fall failed to make a deed In accordance with diro directions a commissioner r or of the tho Washington court performed that ser ncr vice ire Tn In the meantime Fall deeded tim property properly to lo his sister Mrs ills Ens Eastin tin till The Thc Nebraska supreme court ell el the case casc against Mrs Irs Fall 1111 That Thal decision was yesterday affirmed by bytho tho federal supreme court although stated staled that lint the court had reached Its conclusion with reluctance |