Show MOME MADE FRUIT BASKET An Imitation coral fruit basl basket et can bo be made In the following manner With a ot of old hat wire wiro white covered with sille shape a basket like a shallow shallo plate The wire Is loosely braided and Is held together with for fior wire A handle at least sixteen Inches high Is made mado of oC braided wire and Is firmI firmly attached to the plate pInto This Is the tho skeleton foundation for tho ho plate Next make a preparation of white wax and plaster of Paris for forthe forthe the coating One pound of white wax Is i placed In a pan and melted over hot water While hot It Is thickened ten ounces of plaster of oC paris An old tin spoon Is used to pour this mIxture over oel the wIre The basket is to catch what on newspapers drips off lL It Is uon covered and be before before fore It is quito hard all ll uneven places are cut off It takes two weeks for tor this to harden but when done It is a beautiful basket and durable as china chinn It Is used to hold bananas oranges and ana apples Wh could n a fern Cern dish not be made wire Take rake the in the same Hamo manner braid It and shape It over a crock to get the lie desired s tc Cover with with gilt gill plaster o of and and coat coal banana hanana paint Aft l the pl plaster stor oJ of paris hardens it Is not easily broken or chipped |