Show COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST UNION PORTLAND CEMENT CO 00 COA A complaint was flied yesterday by George against tIme the Union Portland Cement Co and the Cement Securities ies Co a Colorado enjoined for Jointly running a factory at Devils Slide On April 3 09 the plaintiff Va mit at the on busl ness and hall had been placed on time thc omil path that leads to time the fac factory factory tory n a q quantity uan or of hot ashes Plain PlaintIff tIff tiIT walled walked along this path and no lie reached the ashes he sank in them up to his ankles this threw th ew him over OCI and he fell with his hands striking Uw time asheR ITo Ho was wa and amid had Imad to go to tIme hospitaL Ife Ho now asks In iii the din dis district court for which lie he thinks h lie rt receive for his hi Injuries and ohio alBo for his to work during the time lie he was as in iii time the hospital I |