Show PRESTON SCORES RING KNOCKOUT SAN FRANCISCO Dec 1 Ey By Tho The Associated Press Johnny lrus Johnny Preston j. of Honolulu knock knock- knocked ed out Billy Dilly Adams 1474 Hn of New Orleans Orlean In the sixth round of their scheduled round 10 bout here last night Preston knocked Adams down twice wice In the second round once In n the he third and once In tho the sixth before tho thu Knockout I The knock knockout out followed a series of hard hud rights and lefts to the body bod delivered v when hen Adams rose rc se after taking a nine count Adams claimed a a. foul but buta a physician who examined him dis die disallowed disallowed allowed It rave gave Adams the fifth round when hen he scored to Jaw and body Pablo Dano Dane Manila flyweight won teen an round eight-round decision over Frankie Frankle Murray of ot Philadelphia Marcel Thi J oJ U. U French middle middle- middleweight middleweight weight won a I six-round six decision over George Georgo of San Francisco l George Long- Long Longmont moot mont Colo Cob featherweight won on a I six round decision over Angel Ansel DC Do DoLa La Cruz of Manila |