Show DECREE DENIED BOTH PARTIES Judge George S. S S Darker Barker has de denied de- de denied denied nied a II decree of divorce to Violet olet Ni N. Felt from Joseph II 31 Felt a 1 a e r having the case coso under advisement In his court for several days day Ho Ito also denied a counterclaim ot of Mr Felt that the decree be 1 to him Judge JUd C Barker Birker dismissed both Mrs Felts Felt's complaInt and her hus hus- husband husbands husband's bands band's a counterclaim on the ground there was no cause causo for tor action He lie held that Mr Felt has not wilfully failed tailed to provide for tor Mrs Felt and her children and tint that ho was ns not guilty of cruelty cruel In dismissing Mr Ir Felts Felt's counterclaim Judge Barker Darker also held that Mrs MM Felt was as not guilty of cruelty cruelly Mr Felt Is ordered to pay attorney fees tees for tor his wife ft i |