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Show growing darkness uas quite out of the As4 the Bui flayed Os. Highest of all in Leavening Power. latest U. S. Govt Report question. announced tte imperial Rome. Townsend and Dairy mpe did not ria-- e Tbe Emperor till latarwtMl la Maw Tark Affair messenger, la burning. to caih other, Nero evinced interest. The conti agrar Ocvow Hondrad Tboaiaad Dollars Tor ERA Ismail Khan to speak their thoughts tion la general, continued the officer; Iharttlaa What Ua Ttilaka at Cartala but a couple of hours later, when the Is a frontier station Bookfta whereat the monarch raised nimself on on the cutthroat wearied force was seeking rest from the hia elbow. - There waa a period of almoullah placed all Everybody know that the Illustrious side of the Indus, turmoil of the day, a, ienee. The populace. ventured tho as to Cane ron tjte by divine, who made the Brooklyn Taberlu name means doubts at rest herald, finally, it making for the open tl nacle famous throughout the world, has j at when the of out gloom shrieking that Ismail Khan Tha master of the world country. the folbwerouf the recently been called to a pastorate la rose to bis feet In that event, bo. ma his bones rest the next daydawced would first crurif) the an .used His church Is the First "Washington. said, you may bring me my fiddle. I pitched his prophet In -for th B aiul then their posscr-io- n Presbyterian church of that city, and ' y ' ' ' V tent there, hut a Feringhi bffTl.V 'iVe of cams near getting me which British the troop wipe string, while to ' tVo l: ' (itVefni 'pW-- ' rk V the earth. you remember '. ' v ,1iot' - . Kssg Xlwenuniim. ology forgot to add c ' witt mm "Jackalti re ievo nwry Brou bial Troches "Brown's years e some eloquent sj A man inherited J.0,000 from Throat Irritation hut it was I caused bv Cold or ue of from corpse,.'1 gorged Vuot" a madrj0r very promherself of jour charming which would signify that Ismail and bv a course of extrava in his figurative eastern waj of putting it. bedroom ruga The pair inent lnsti-tuilc- Khan who lies with the prophet material is bur- - pancc ,) speculation was pretty soon the you c. 1 be genuine sold only loxee. fulswore he old would more Then the The to with a. ms more worthless a Dalrympo give iti at the end at his fortune. carpets, it cleared out again as rapidly as possiHowever." laps, lined body. The design is taken from the said one pf jjfc, friends, Bill isnt wKh-inoti- f "visiting he does. ble. Unfortunately the maintenance of fill his promise to Ethel. of the wail paper, and represents out resources: lie has two more aunt. To obtain the permission of she hriga -- All FtOortopped free bTl'r.tUInraOreaS had been tlie Pax Britannica in the valley of the red top xrad clovers, Soliovfiruii-lli,tuLike thia but"dtffernt was the case Nerve keMorer, TrvelHetaBd of fhe que tnuothy Truss, of for his project waa-WkarvetouBCumv. Slitriai uoOteluM 6 favored Indus requires the constant presence dlcr in shades, olives, tuns, browns of a colored man, concerning whom, ac- fiStatAefe auafts, ScadteiM'.atiuedUtar,aiat.,i tion, so he consulted wiih no one, not painted with but in that delectable spot of a squadron of even old pink, the colors greatly diluted, cording to the A aukeo lilude, a neighand Col. Townsend. With the aid of a Haa any inventor aver tried to evolve small audihorse and a battalion of foot belongso as to give a printed, rather than a bor of bis on n race was called to testily amoke-eesoon Ousscd a la a wrkr lamp! ences, com. ing to those fine troops, the Punjab sub ajar he was painted effect, tiuloen and brown but- - in court. posed prinfrontier force. In the middle of June Ghazl, and he borrowed the tulwar of a terflies are poised here and there, and ' If the llahy la Cutting Tceta. itnesa. said the opposing lawyer, mnwly, )Ua. of It is often impossible to see the com- dead tribesman who was lying, among a busy bumble We almost buzzes, liea.l ..ym, speak of Mi. as 'welt off.' St turt and at tSeteld end cipally elov er bloom. , Just what do you mean? la be vfiorlh Wivvuiw'i tvvTvot Bvvcr for CSlUrea TaetU.RO men and pound gate from the verandah at mid- plenty of his kin, on front of the zrreha. down, in a great The rugs are edged with a flnx", ij.ooo? This, with a couple of revolvers conwomen who day owing to the prevalence of a swirlA cat farm haa I era eslablkbcd in i inin the ahade of the burlap In No, sah? confringe, a cealed beneath his lohets, flowing ia to raise lur. , . i' tunati. Ua ained ing dust storm, and twelve hours later mistake leaves and a Two thousand? painting grasses loyal to the old church even It may he necessary to pour water over stituted the whole of bis appliances, frequently made by amateurs is to have So, sah; hu8ain't worth 25 cents. though now surrounded largely by the bed to render it sufficiently cool to and Indeed of bis plan also, 'its them all too much of a color. Htade how is he well off?" resolved that If be could not save Cam- effects should be introduced by having ..Then business bouses. A marvelous change, be laid upon. Got a wife who i a washerwoman, near to eron in would he endeavor faint grays, snd iu sah, and ('ports da hull family, sah. get those at tho back Yet the officers of the Pilfers however, has suddenly come over this much lighter tones of all ilie colors A ou tli's Companion. the as a phonetic him and give him the means of avoidlandmark, and y by Anglo-Indiaused. ing crucifixion. First .Presbyterian church of Washing- way of expressing the Initials P. F. F. rosBnsuteat and Hard Work The mountain village to which the ton, owing to the wondrous eloquence of manage to live there, and, what is still The Fashionable Magpie ontrat. In sittln postura, particularly In Ilia Its newly Installed pastor. Is every Sunmore marvelous, half a dozen Regent tribesmen had retreated was distant The magpie contrast, which is the are(loom, lur mure ibrni preiutlirlal toIn some road The whenfour the miles. black approacheffect when to street I lie upou sir. name day besieged by multitudes, many of niuscuU'ayAertoii gowns may be seen there given Hard too ars workes kcfjeiiisr.v far is weary free from well ob: and whitear brought together, whom stand there frequently hours In ever the station foregathers at club or ing the place was fairly slier otlu- - pours to lata much needful in the open air. They often used a advance of the opening of the service gymkhana. Not long ago the C. O. at stacles, but it twisted snd turned In all displayed In a bonnet intended tor W lo ro ran seek inviyoration in hopes of being able to wedge their Bora Ismail Khan had as a daughter directions as it climbed up the side of a evening wear at concert or opera dur- tonic. more certainly and they The low season. (horouzlily thau from rather the small, a ing a renovant lioaleltera Mouiaeh way la somehow or other, and to listen the prettiest girl that was to be set eyes precipitous gorge, finally reaching Bluer, satin felt, the tiny to recruit ihe to the matchless eloquence of Ameri- upon along the whole 3,000 miles of the plateau about 1,000 feet above the level crown is of white Particularly adapted al-- o braided in bushel fashion. for of l nature. being Indus. Ethel Townsend was known far of the small stream that dashed along strips ca's foremost pulpit orator. kidney, llicr uud rheuinuUti The narrow brim is of softly-twiste- d to was try lug strug- black velvet, cut out at the back so and wide as the pride of the Piffers, beneath. The moon People all over the country are wonand J will tell you another time how she gle through a great cloud bank, but tbat the hair shows below, while there dering whether Dr. Talmage, In movFlret to Eater a Collega. Mis Ilypatis Boyd is of the first deaf ing to the National Capital, and la ex- won the title. Just now I wish to place gave light enough to show tjie way and are falling over it two of the long, 'roseate so much fan- and dumb girl to enters college in this changing his Brooklyn residence for a on record what Major Dalrymple did to distinguish .objects close at hand. hornlike-shape- d made of fine duehesse country, She passed the Wisconsin KNOWLEDGE for her. Dalrymple did not know, unhouse in Washington, has actually diNearing the village as no semblance cied, daintily twist of white satin is university entrance examination with vorced himself from all connection with til Townsend married the only child of a guard was kept he passed several lace. A narrowvelvet and improvement amd comfort of At the edge the honor and began the regular course Brings of the chief of the Indus flotilla that scattered groups clustered round fires just above the the east. Dr. Talmage was recently into on one tend ' enjoyment when aide and stands there crown, personal falL Miss up this lost her hearing terviewed on this subject by a reporter he would never care for any other or huddled among bundles of fodder. a ten-incThe many, who live Beton the when she was a lloyd old, and tbe white used. while pompon, rightly powyear woman. of this paper, and the reverend gentleMrs. Townsend never even Many of the men, were groaning and other is a buckle of Rhine-ston- er of soon after, bhe was one ter than others and enjoy life more, with, . man said that as long as his editorial guessed his secret, but it nearly broke their women bandaging their wounds. Velvet tics come with this bo- of tbespeech first pupils at the Milwaukee less Expenditure, by more promptly chair had two legs in New York and his heart when she died In giving birth Dalrymple shuffled painfully along, nnet school fog tbe ' deaf end dumb, adapting th worlds best products to j two legs in Washington he could never ' to the little one who afterward bore her finding the native sandals difficult to j where the oral method Is uscd cxclu-eivcl- the needs of physical being, will attest Deafness Can Not lie Chra Bo effective did this method walk In, and he came upon Cameron By local applications, as they cannot be considered as having severed all his name. the value to health of the pute liquid Ethel always called him uncle, and suddenly. The Hon. Bob was seated on reach the diseased portion of the ear. provein Mias Bovda case that when laxative principle embraced Iu tho connections with the metropolis. "The Christian Herald, he said, "with Its next to her love for her father she gave the ground, with bis hands apparently There Is only one way to cure deafness, she was graduated from the school in remedy.Pyrup of Figs. that is by constitutional remedies. 1991 she was able to enter tbe regular Its excellence is due to its presenting , wide circulation. Is a tremendous power him the full warmth of her Impulsive tied behind his back, and resting and ia caused by an Inflamed conDeafness high school and to) understand her in the form most acceptable and pleasfor good, and as long as the Lord gave affections. But now that she had come against a low mud but. Inside and to dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- teachers by following the movement of ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly him health and strength he would write back from a seven years residence In front of which were some twenty of the tachian Tube. When the tube is in- their lips. beneficial properties of a perfect laxor sound a have flamed you rumbling France found round a fire, be and she that In for that paper in fact," he would tribesmen a few smoking Germany ia enit and when bearing, Imperfect ative; effectually cleansing the system, A FAMOUS CAPER. his editorial chair at the Bible House there was yet another corner vacant in the others asleep. Dalrymple walked closed Deafness Is the result, snd Th VoiiTB'a roMraaioS hsa become fa- dispelling colds, headache and fever her heart, and this place was at once straight up to him, and growled "Bug! tirely more frequently now than ever. Conunless the inflammation can be taken mous because there la hardly a famous man and permanently curing .constipation- - . to its normal or wbrimu That Is the Persian for all that we out and this tube restored in Great Urltuln or tha I nited tinuing, the genial preacher said: bestowed upon Capt., the Hon. Robert has riven satisfaction to millions and be will destroyed condition, bearing btatea ahodoea nut ronUIUute to the paper It There it no paper In America that McGregor Cameron, whom the natives mean when we call a man a dog and xoet witU tUe approval of the medical nine cases out of ten are caused, wields a more potential influence for had christened the Babadursahib, and more. The action was haturaFTn a by Catarrh, which is nothing but an in- pronif"io nTake the paper nloixTaUracUve profession, because it sets on the Kidever before. good than The Christian Herald, with a who was known to his associates as the tribesman and evoked no comment; to flamed condition of the mucous sur- than and Bowel without weaklo I hose who subncrlhe at once, arndlny neys, Liver and circulation of nearly two hundred thou-aan- d Hon. Bob. t.7. jtha Cublixhenunaka an it is perfectly, free from them Dalrymples case it was a fine piece of faces. extraordinary ening One Hundred Dollar for We Will lo send freo a handsome four-pay- e Hence It was that when the Guides substance. art. He squatted on the ground close any case give ooples weekly. Nothing but death objectionable every of Dea.'ness (caused by Ca- Oder, In nlue fxIJ calendar, -. Id., lithographed aball separate me from It Dr. Klopsch, to which distinguished section of the to the prisoner and whispered. Syrup of Figs i for sale by all drncolors, letnll price of which i M tarrh) that cannat le cured by Hall's bright Tna manis it and but cents. Send these free. week free 60e force all Comcanios in Cure. for circulars, $1 bottles, lo people every Its proprietor. Is a man of extraordinary Punjab frontier Steady, Bob, Ive come to help you. Catarrh Jan, 1, IMKt, tha 1 baukaglving, rhrlsmaa and gists F. J. CHENEY A CO Toledo, New Yrar's l onlile Number free, and 1m ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cameron had nerves of steel, but the enterprise. This year bcstdefprintlng belonged were ordered to Join an ex75c. field by druggists; t'oMFAMiiN a full year, M weeks, to Jan. I, Co. only, whose name is priuted on vverjr The Christian Herald every week la pedition against a particularly obnox- words tried them to their utmost tenHall's Family Pills. 35a 1W7. Address l'H Yoctu's lonrAMo. 1W bein Ethel ious Khel. Bara package, also the name, Syrup of Figs the tribe beautiful colors, a veritable enchantsion. When he could trust bis voice he t olunthus A vo.. boston. a to Trea. How Set and being well informed, you will nub Christmas Up ment for the eye, he offers as a premium took herself to Mayor Dalrymple and only said: There ia new disease known a poker-aiset up the Christmas As accept any substitute if offered. a complete library, consisting of ten Cried her pretty eyea out on the score "Thanks, old chap. It's no use. My tree isgenerally A man who play cards all night s rather affair, shaky sure himself to would Bob be that get THE LAND OF THE left ankle is sprained no I cant walk a and in constant danger of eplendid volumes, full of Interest and j being tipped get It full of entertainment, with an elegant killed. yard, even If it were any good. Get over when it is touched. If you want tlegsmwasrampltor Ira with (ilyrsnaa "He won't be In any greater danger back safely bnd give my love to Ethel. a substantial base for it, but one that Vim unyliisl andonl yeautne. ('HresChs-iie- l Hands bookcase, delivered free of all expense, than your father or 1, sweetheart, As for you, God bless you." will allow of its being moved easily audkaua,coldaunis,ae. o.U.UaraCuti.uavaoG. together with the paper Itself, fifty-tw- o 14 IM ftu A man 1 usually sick twice a year; when Ini wi In At that moment a horse neighed without any danger of its being upset, .times, for the moderate sum of $3. said the major, at his wits' end for Hereafter iet no home la America be words of consolation, "and you have loudly at some distance and Dalrymple, go to some hardware store and borrow his wife cleans bouse. For IXFOKUAtlOtt rfr4jnff ta ItarrirCa seen us return safely too often to feel In a mrU to tAif. bto 4. act ol stove trucks. Cover them with without a library. lead assay WMtkers ta say, ft. We Mlaaotmi, second, had formed his plan. He a tiyrrlssss I U. MaiU'VTT, Funly, Mo.$ boards fastened securely to their "Use Par.sr l!s,oeeial!j T m. rmmt, Llty, Mo.i Ho., I asked Dr. Talmage whether be could alarmed now. to or i. & Can you manage fureo-dwsskossa, SB4 almost svery owl whispered again: aa 9 MoMdaocfc &U., Ckteaco, IU. Wa1Au, "Ob, dad and you have got good sense, stand straight up when you hear a frames. In tbe center make a hole recommend the library to people who of to admit Ever the base since th world he made the your lord large enoug contemplated securing it, and he said but Bob la such a mad thing and he horse coming this way? trea Fasten strips of wood from esch has beard nothing but fault found with it. unhesitatingly, "I know every book. will do something ridiculous, and I said Cameron. such of Yes, corner in the trucks to the tree, Those atstresslsy f'srsst shall never see him again, bdohoo, They were carefully and thoughtfully will ivuov theta sad "Very well, be ready In five minutes.' a manner as to brace it firmly in place. Bad ssthey sn. was Piffers of the boohoe the -ean tkea wait and run and jump as yun Its. you written cither or pride another allow specially Persian The casters under the frame will he rose, growled prepared, Then a woman. The women are good looking in suite of compiled hy most eminent literary men, but oath, expectorated again at the pris- yon to move the tree easily and safely. Ethel, my dear, listen to me, and oner, and left the circle of light cast by the fashion RUBBER and there is not a weakling among Gloves. soldier the tenderly the fire. He had little difficulty. In find, them. tY a think Piso ia for Cur Gloves welL consumption fit must Dealsrs send for rstaluzus. Omasa, Nab- They may not "How are the people to seenre this ing the animal that bad gjven voice. lie in loose folds or bag in the fin- tbe only medicine for Couyba Jexxi He was tied up in a rough shed and gers. Neither may they fit so tightly Pickaku, Springfield, ills., Oct. 1, 1SW. great library, and this wonderful paper of yours? A man can't take e woman's word for seemed to be a strong beast. Ethel as to cause the buttons to burst, the "Simply by sending $3 to The Chrissaid afterward that he was the best seams to rip, tbe palm to split, the anything he must take e dozen or more. 895 8S8 to Biblo House, tian Herald at pony she ever laid eyes upon, but she blood to cOBgeal and other unpleasant "Xansens XCagla Corn Calve." New York City, and by return mall they If joawaat FREE FARM la MA9hITOBA was prejudiced in bis favor. His sad- things to happen. A tight glove is to Warranted ts ewe er saensy isfsadad. Ask paur to hand shoe is the a the with what Ever the result. lur I, pitas It druyyivt be will tight delighted AMIX1MOIA, ALBERTA or lb IAS-KA- Ti dle and headgear were hanging close at the knuckles, makes foot It since my boyhood, Ive had a passion Billiard tab, aecond-banniWAX, a. for particular, to for. sal hand, and Dalrymple lost no time in the hand enlarges and gives it a motmisshapen I love them still couldn't . for books; Laud Commissioner, him aeady, although the queer Apply to or address, H. C. Amy, cheap getting hue. A. HAMILTON, L tled, purplish Ml B. Uth Bt Omaha, Nax wiNNieao. live unless surrounded by them. So bridle troubled him a little at Afghan fa tbe interior of Chocolate is still I'm something of a judge of good literaIf first Then he led him out and mounted .South America forused an break die an you cao't apple you'll a currency, es are WELL MAGHIHERY ture. And in my whole life I have never old maid. ! him, but at the same moment a fellow cocoanuts and err. een a better selection in small compass sprang out from the rear of the shed Iri'Mtratsd eatalnro sbnwtnc V IU than these ten books which Dr. Klopsch and wanted to know la the name of the Kocitiuiu. . iivLiultruu , irogiis, AND JKTIXMt kUCIUNKRV, Mo. has had prepared for his subscribers. thief was a cursed prophet why moving Sasv Fan. Hava base tested and It's a perfect library of Information, oft with his masters ghora. There was aU snauA, and Is entertainment and amusement, gloai Ulr Vs1s ami I ros Work, no time for a long discourse, so Dalrymto lawaavun w TAPOftSfniT frb Urate mesktfool'b.oued"j rv-tbs climax of the wonderfully enter1 Mtssa Ur laws. ple gave him the weightiest reason at G0ES STRAIGIIT TO j Tsa Oewtu. etwa nsrnmrr management t'o , ' prising aad him such a crack and W HU mt tSitnti Knot, Cli. WORK OH PATH AND DRIYES IT OUT AKD "SHUTS that kaa placed The Christian Herald with tho tulwar onb!s shaven crown IT OFF FROM RETURNING. THAT'S RUSCTESS3Smr: rrmuv Frwlt Fill ahead of all competitors as a Christian orator Tnul HarteT Bret like gltfl Flttvlj that, UA 1 ,H trimtatei 111, from wbte-r Prlca, SI J. Uvi ltelml (Jo , M Oasrbupw Htroot, Ukvu. borne Journal. Do you know," conHIM A LITTLE AT He smiled a kind of sickly smile am. TROUBLED this "that paper tinued Dr. Talmage, curled up on the floor j -FIRST, has la less than six years expended And golden-brow- n the subsequent proceedings interher tresses smoothed nearly 8700,000 In various beneficences back from her forehead. "You know ested him no more." abroad? at horns aad bow much I value your happiness and Then the fun commenced. He rode up Just thea Miss Talmage came In to bow glad I am yon are going to marry to the hut at a canter, found Cameron eall her distinguished father to dinner, a man like Cameron. I promise you standing, swung him crossways on the ended. interview and the now that I win look after him as though saddle in front of him, and started for 835 to SSI Remember the address, he were sny own son and bring him home. Bible House, New York City. back safe and sound to you." Come, The excitement on that hillside durCOMING YEAJt, you will, no doubt, decide on securing the best, especially if the best cost less than yon have fuH trust in me? WISDOM. ing the next ten minutes was someTHE Inferior," both in quality and quantity. Th Omaha Bee, always to the front of the Dalrymple knew that hJa promise thing remarkable. Jezolls were fired, in th west, ha long been recognized as one of the leading publications in the country newspapers thaw There Is nothing more serious was of little avail an v lew of ihe chances tom-togongs bangedr and haa done more, and is now doing more, toward upbuilding the great west, than any other pi per. beaten, What some people consider a joke. of a border campaign, but It soothed not a few Martini bullets whlBtled past About two year ego its publishers, determined to bring Th Weekly lice into every farmhouse in the Dar er had spots In ds best men. Jest the girls heart, and her tears fell them as they galloped down the pathwest, especially in ita own state and the states immediately adjoining Nebraska, put the price down to ax dar ah weeds in de best gahdeca through a smile as she kissed him.' way. Cameron and Dalrymple weighed unheard of figure for a weekly publication. This price still prevail. j,'ot yer- Cents 65 Romance h&abech elegantly defined As a rule a mountain battery, two twenty-thre- e stone between them, but of The Bee cast about for loin additional firat class publication of national th with content this, publishers love. as the. offspring of fiction and companies of the Scottish XUCes, two the little horse would have run away Bee at e price that would not exceed tbe figure usually charged for a single reputation, to offer with The The truly great man Is as apt to for- -' native regimen ts, aud a detachment of wlth'two more like them. There were Last year the New York Tribune, (Horace Greeley's paper) was secured, and tbi panes paper. weekly the Guides should be tnors than S match no other animals handy, ts all appearoffered with thwWeeklydleerior QO CeniSTcr yrec. A similar arraegementba been mod this year. In glvo as his power is able to revenge. for any tribesmen that ever t A woman can look thoroughly satisdown ances, so pursuit, was out of the quesaddition, a similar contract has been mode with the Cincinnati Enquirer, a paper that ranks as high among the Democratic publications of this country as tne Kew York Tribune does tmoiig the Ilepull can newspapers. fied whea the is not. A man can't do on n marauding foray into the lowlands. tion after the first 100 yards, and in But that day th Gbazls fought with less than half an hour Cameron was in U. To sum up we make the following four offers for this reason, confident that they are equalled nowhere, Too jnuy people in th church would demoniacal skill, and, Just toward the hands of the doctors, Dalrymple reliable news to tbe quality Of matter published, nor in tbe quantity of good, either made a last wild rush was some hot whisky and rather be comets than stars of Bethle-- evening, theysettled drinking matters. Indeed, water with the brigadier, and tbe Kathat nearly lbs Weekly Bea, to rather unpleasanthe bulged square groomed by about six o give pleasure, and you win receive tly on one side, and had it not been for buli wan being had not If be been a wise Tbe Weekly KewUrk men, while ban yon give. the way in which Cameron and a dozen little beast he could have burst himself TRIBUNE aso sowars laid about them with with gram. Next morning the village of bis Tte WEEKLY CIXCIXRAT their sabers it would have, been all up was shelled, and whea the moullah was ODD, QUEER, CURIOUS. - ... .... with the expedition. EMQ'JtRER, irit with a shrapnell Abe- - tribesmen All tliff for Una ylng frogs are numerous to Borneo, As it was, everybody breather hard gave In and promised to be good, Vrarfar $1.15 inflower stocks are now converted for the next ten minutes, and the Scotspaper. men were just beginning to wipe out six years ago. Since All this happened money order, Express money AU order must be accompanied by the cash, in the shape of Poaioffice le cultivation of tobacco is prohlb-- ; their rifles, the barrels having been then I have seen a fat youngster held I blank draft If currency or ailver be sent it is safer to register the letter. No stamps of larger or to Egypt order fouled with drippings from the bay- on to the back of a still fatter Kabuli than 2 cento are accepted. ottlng paper Is made of cotton rags I onets, when Dalrymple discovered that pony, and the name of the youngster Commissions allowed on clubs of three or more ed to soda Cameron was missing. Some one had was Robert Dalrymple Cameron, subscriptions. Ley Sample copies are sent free on applications seen him get knocked off bis horse and Utica Presa llsoni laboratory costs $20,000 Address all orders to i to maintain. he had evidently been carried away to Brlt-oaNarrow hands of gold or sliver, with is pay of an admiral to the the rush of the retreating enemy. A is $9,125 a year. hasty search in the vicinity showed that "feathery aigrettes that rise from the icen Marla Fla of Portugal In a his body, at any rate, was not to bo center. 'furnish pleasing ornaments for er billiard player. found, and anything like pursuit in the the hair, at modest prlcex Talnugc in Washington. I ETHEL TOWNSEND. BaEdn - assess u vsvvvtyj.' Absolutely pure j I J former . n, latterly o - T'e. ten purr-pun- he-hu- time-honor- li a, -- h es star-aliape- ' a top-heav- QEG RED APPLE . liiud-'ioom- Zachary T, Lindsey, It fine-looki- - COCDS FREE FARMS, 1 Ioolin.9 far-seei- ng ing g4, When Selecting Your Reading Matter it m ss-ep- t r- vy THE WEEKLY BEET Omaha, Neb. |