Show 1 TALBNT AND HBAUTY I A nre tomll Ift > llnn Among Knmn at the IIc j Just what element go to the talking talk-ing of a IH pular favorite with pin Rocra j li a point almost aa hard to dlMovcr as the North pole In the nteo of n woman beauty Is belleed by many to be tho prime ewentlal but the absurdity of this dated to 1 I position only need to be l > self eldent Thus vast majority of r women who have made the siieeesieo that remain on the stage and In society soci-ety and our thus whole range of life hate teen those whose facial and figural fig-ural comellncs has V I lIt little exceeded If at nil the general dlvlno nverago of feminity Charm1 Ah there onn begins to get n deeper sounding Hut charm bu been known to rompinlon a very small quantity of Intelligence lei alone Intellect end charm 11ft ono witty tI fellow ban phrased It Is I n mysterloui electrlcil not always on tap Intelll y III 14 ltl r i grace Intellectual power Hardly YOllr woman of Intellect like your man of tho same Ilk li Quito apt to be a I boro of large caliber the very kind Itev Sydney Hmlth meant when ho remarked I re-marked that n certain person possessed I a forty parson power of talking I remember re-member dltcuislng this question of I S I 1 1t 4 A tiP J J I ll i I Ifl I 17 I ft vr t LULU TAIlKIt what catches tbo public with a dramalla r critic of largo experience whoso only Iin was that ho could not write of players play-ers as keenly InclsUcly nn ho talked and ho remarked of lotto She kicked herself Into popularity It was the way she could lit on a table and flourlih her hecla that fetched the crowd She bad I 1 plenty of taUnt yes but her feet were her fortune Hut In wrlllnn of Lulu I Tabor let mo not bo misunderstood na Implying that she has no mom sufficient canto for IICCM than a pedal nimble net or kind of mercurial winged grace might give her Tho nthleto or gym m I nastlo part of tier performances aa Madgo In Old Kentucky albeit that oJ e1 which makes her a picture In tho popular i popu-lar Imagination Is I by no means the > t best of her Her performance of Ara bella In A Temperance Town and other oth-er minor role havo convinced mo that + iho is I capable of fur better thing Horn on n California farm iho evince a r I breetlneu which Tlmo may chango Into r chic or Into emotional Intenilty Qulen sobs I think that character work ibould bo her stronghold In the future f fut-ure and while I she has much la learn > 1 and perhaps unlearn that she will boon bo-on ornament of our stago before many years appear a fair hazard draco It s her Intelligence ambition Indiutry a dull of something dashing akin to mngnotlim or charm and youth ever enviable joulhl Yn the odds uq decidedly In her fat or It II I also de cldedl In her favor that she appear In 9 no tearing flaring hurry lo bo a star |