Show AN IOWA UUAUTY sisal Tjlor Hba Woo ijnir Ail yaued ii seen t Iirnir Miss lliilo Kathcrlno Taylor of AI bla bona hal been Hnlihlnc her musical education In Chicago Tho nretnlllll and charm of her manner his just recclted unique recognition from friends In her nallvo state At the Iowa state fair recently held at Des Mollies Mis Taylor was awarded tho palm of beauty among ilxty competitors competi-tors Many Indeed most of tho rouni women were entered In tho contest con-test without their knowledge cnthuil attlo friends taking n liberty which Is common In tho Hawkeyo tale Tho contest was warm though good na lured the friend of each candidate ui lag all the usual means to win vole for their favorite but Mir Taylor was declared the winner many of tbo mot aclho adherent of other girls saying after It wan all over that thus prize was worthily awarded Tho successful can dldato li I tho dftiighlcr of Mr and Mrs Henry M Taylor While jet n moro child she give evidence of possessing much mutloal talent and her parents determined that It should not bo hidden under a bushel Ixtral instruction witi i t + I MIH8 lAZZltt K TAYLOR given the young musician In the prl auary branchoa after whloh Ohio was sent to Chlwgo where for several years she took private IlIOn Now oliN Taylor li I regarded na ono of tho best mutlclani In Iowa Even before completing com-pleting her education Ibo had given en tertslnmcnti In several clues of her nn tine state meeting with unvarying auc moue |