Show NATIONAL NA TIONA Standing of ef the Clubs Won SYon Lost Pet Pct Chicago 62 39 60 60 41 1 St. St Louis 57 51 45 New York 56 66 49 40 47 41 56 Brooklyn 46 57 51 Philadelphia 39 60 Boston 38 8 58 51 Yesterdays Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 9 9 7 7 New York 0 O. Cincinnati 3 Boston 2 Chicago 5 Brooklyn 5 St St. Louis 2 Today Today's Schedule Boston at St. St Louis Philadelphia at Cincinnati Brooklyn at Chicago At St. St Louis Louls R. R H. H E. E Brooklyn 5 IS 15 3 St Loul Louis 2 6 II 0 Batteries Petty and Henline Rhem Reinhart Littlejohn and nd OFarrell At Cincinnati R. R H. H E. E New NewYork York 0 5 s 2 Cincinnati 3 7 1 Batteries Barnes and Taylor Luque and At Pittsburg R R. H H. E. E Philadelphia 9 12 1 I bur 7 7 9 0 o Batteries Ferguson Ulrich and Jonnard Aldridge and Smith Gooch At Chicago R. R H. H E E. Boston 2 8 1 i Chicago 5 s 5 13 0 Batteries Greenfield and Hogan Jones and Hartnett |