Show FLASHES OF LIFE Ry ICy The Associated Press Mats Mass Football Football hu l i been en substituted for lor head hunt- hunt i ng among amon some JOme Filipino tribes who report the gridiron pastime almost almo t tas as satisfying says saY C. C C C. secretary ex-secretary of or the interior In NSW NEW YORK Tex Tex Rickard and Jack Sharkey are both ready for any mishap which might prevent Tunney or Dempsey from turning up at Chi ChI- Chicago cage cago September 22 Tex lies has a Insurance policy and Sharkey has the role of ot substitute promised CANTERBURY England England England-An An Eng Eng- EngIsh Ish Ush canning factory t wanted to Insure clean hands among Its girl The company provided one free mani mint manicure manicure cure all around and let nature rep rep- represented represented resented by vanity In this case do the rest says rays Home Secretary Joynson- Joynson HJ Hicks ks DESSAU Germany Germany be an endurance flyer How to kill klU time was our biggest est problem declared Edzard one of the holders holdens of the new hour 52 plus mark We tried to pass the he long hours by telling stories on scraps of o paper of ot course EstimatIng Ing ng ga gas consumption changing places frequently etc But Dut at the end we were counting the slow glow minutes BAKU KU Azerbaijan Th The Vassal Yassa I tribe tObe Is the nearest approach yet et found Sound to the th mythical Amazons The women lock their husbands h and sons eons at home borne when they go out to hunt and carry on the ether other pursuits left to the mate In ordinary ry cases It Is considered undignified that a woman should hould lt l a man mars work Ont W. V O. O Brown local letter carrier has received a special Invitation to W attend the garden party to the Prince of Wales at Toronto Thirty years ago Brown then at at- at attached to a tower lower guard In London prevented the young prince from Irons step step- stepping ping In front of a runaway hone hors MEXICO r. r XICO CITY Pistols CITY may no rio longer be carried except In cases case of absolute necessity says sas a police or or- or der Toting of a gun six has been about abou as commonplace here a M as In las the typical western mining camp of ot 40 years ago age BUFFALO N Y Too Too much water ater forced 22 23 sea scouts to abandon here their summer cruise from Washington to Mount Clemens Michigan I A reek reak in tho the state barge canal near Albion made the th party change chango irons from their to auto busses bu s. s BOSTON The The sacred acred cod of Massachusetts Is now pow a 0 flying fish A Chelsea Chel firm rushed a a. consignment to Chicago by airplane as sample to toa toa toa a prospective customer |