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Show J -- T I VAST CUPELLED TO INCREASE III THE Of THE Cl Men Ba'ked at Quality of Rations sued and Refused to Work Until Forced to do so at the Point of Guns in Hands of Sai.or Lads j Norfolk, Ya Min troni the cruisers Tennessee and Washington which convoyed Irerident Roosevelt on his Hip to Panama and back, while in Norfolk on Thursday dc clared that the alleged mutiny on the Tennessee occurred while the cruser was being coale' on the isthmus for the nturu trip homeward, and not during the trip. They said the nn a on the Tennessee, alleging poor and unsatisfactory ralions, refused to coal the ship The marine guard was ordered out and, aceotding to the nten here, the marines stood with pointed guns threatening to about the first man who quit his post during the- coaling of the cruiser. The coaling was in this way completed and as a result oi the allege mutiny 100 meir were placed in the brig. These however, according to the report, were re leased when the homeward, start wax All is now declared to be begun quiet on the cruiser Tennessee. BAD WRECK IN ) F e SOUTH. -- Hunter Meets Tragic Death. Salt Rake City A pall was thrown over the Thanksgiving sport at the rabbit hunt at Cedar valley Thurs day afternoon by the tragic death of Albert M. Zarhreson of 108 Lincoln avenue, wfio was killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, As Zach-resowas allighting from the wagon he pulled his shotgun out, taking hold As he of the barrel. pulled the weapo toward him the hammer caught on the box of the wagon and the cartridge In one of the barrels was discharged, the full charge striking the young man In the left shoulder. He fell to the giound llead. n HERDER FROZEN TO DEATH. of Recent Storm in New Mexico Coming in. Ei Paso, Tex A special to the Herald from Carlsbad, N M., says that 1,000 sheep belonged to A.- - J Crawford, perished in a canyon near there during the recent snowstorm, and a Mexican herder was frozen to An Alamogordo special says death the less of goats from the severe weather in Otero county was very severe, as the animals had just been sheared The Prathers lost 2.200 head out of 2,500. Whole Crowd Missing. Vancouver. B. C. One man and two search parties are reported as being lost in the wihls on Thurlow Island. In Chancellor thannei, Brit.sh Columbia. George Brown an employe at logging camp K, on Thtirlow island. was missed by his fellow work On Sunday a men last Saturday. search party was formed to look foi word - of Rrown-- or him. - Whew- the sdarchers was received on Sun day or Monday, a second searching party started out No word of any oi these men has so far been received. Laughed at Wrong Time. Oklahoma City, Ok la. W. P. was shot and probably fat In his hardware store wounded ally A stranger entered the store here and asked to see a revolver. He then which he put asked for cartridges, into the revolver and turned It on the clerk, tellinghlra to hold up his hands and turn over the cash in the drawer Mr. Dilworth was also told to hold up his hands. Thinking it a joke. laughed at him. when the man , began to shoot- . Sevretary of AgriculWashington Uson. in his annual reture James port. just presented to the president deals with a very wide varli ly of subjects of general interest to the farmer and all who follow the growth and progi ess of the nation along agmul-- i turul lines The secretary points out that the farmer is making progiess in the arts and scicnci a of agrh uliurc and calls attention to the cnfoici incut of the meat inpotion law-- , passed b) the last session of congress The economic revolution in the art andf science of ugiicultuia continued dur.ng ISKIi; with tremendous The value on the national piospeiitv of ciops continues to rush forward crops are beyond comprehension; freight-carryinthe ability straining of the railroads; and the farmer alive to the importance of the place tnat he occupies in the nation, offeis-'thl- s yearly at count of himself to the people. Thp farm products of the year have a farm value of verv nearly six thou sand eight hundred million dollars, nearly half a billion above the value of 190.1 and exceeding by over two bil lion dollars the figures for the last census most value-ablCorn remains liy far-thcrop, estimated at eleven hundred Next comes the cot million dollars ton crop, which, nclmling seed, should be worth to the growers nearly Bix hundred and forty million dollars. The value of ha, which Is third In order, millions. approaches six hundred Wheat, the fourth crop, may be worth four hundred and fltty millions; oats, three hundred millions; potatoes, one hundred and fifty millions Barley, with a va'ue of sixty five million dol lars, shows a gain of 21 per cent in production in the past seven years The tobacco crop will bp worth about A remarkable defifty-fivmillions velopment Is that of tBe sugar beet, now In the ninth place in value. The production in 1906 is placed at three thousand long hundred and forty-fivmillion doltons, valued at thirty-fou- r lars. Seven years ago the value of this crop was seven million dollars. Th value-o- f aiLJdnda of. sga Bi'rqa; and molasses aggregates keventy-flv- a ' ' (pillion dollars. The' farm still overshadows - the mill, the factory, and the workshop In providing exports, and with his surplus beyond the nations need the farmer has loaded the fleets of the oceans. For the fiscal year ended June 30. 1906. this surplus has been exported to the value of nine hundred and seventy-sithe largest millions, amount ever reached by agricultural exports for this or any other country and exceeding the export value of the record year. 1901, previously Among chief exports cotton maintains a big lead with a value of four hundred millions The packing house products exported amounted to a value of two hundred and seven millions. Great progress has been made in the practical application of a national policy In area the reserves were increased during the year from 83 693,522 to 106.899.138 acres. In revenue the reserves brought in 767.219 96, as against $60,142.62 for the preceding year. Through the office of experiment stations. Irrigation experts have been detailed to werk out and introduce the right methods of irrigation, and. to give practical advice to beginners in irrigation in sections where It has been introduced Wherever this educational work was begun there has been marls ed appreciation of its value. Much work has been done In the Investigation of seed adulteration, and in carrying on the campaign of education on behalf of good sped. Close surveillance of the interstate traffic in game has brought the situation in the middle west under partial control, and during the coming year attention will be centered on the southwest, where a systematic violation of the law Is frequent. g President Spencer of Southern Railway and Five Others Meet Death. Lynchburg, Va.- - Samuel Spencer, president of the Southern Railway company, and recognized as one of the foremost men in the development of the southern states, and six other persons were killed and eleven others injured early Thursday morning in a rear end collision between two fast passenger trains ten miles south of Lynchburg and a mile north of Lawyers depot. Philip York, was among the killed, together with other gues ts of Mr. Spencer. Of those on jspencers car, only Mr. Spencers te secretary, E. A. Merrill, of New and one of the threepdrters. accident, e collision was ' between the Jacksonville express and the Washlimited, ington and Southwestern both southbound. President Spencer and his entire party, as far as known, were sleeping when the collision occurred, and the probabilities are that all of them were killed instantly. It Is certain that life was extinct before the flames tout hed them. President Spencers body was burned almost be yood recognition. 8t0ries Unable to Do Even Housework cause of Kidney Troubles. Annual Report of the Secretary of Ag nculture Shows Great Strides Made by the American Farmer. Is-- ' e e forest-- reserve INSANE AFTER FELLER. WOMAN FMl'NnM . tn.-- IDE SUP Mutiny on Cruiser Tennessee Quelled by Marines With Loaded Guns. BOYS HEAD ONE SOLID SORE. TEN YEARS OF PAIN. ROCKE- - Declared She Would Kill Him Unless He Paid Her a Million Dollars. New York. Charged with, threatening to kill John D. Rockefeller-unleshe paid her a million dollars. Mrs. Rose Delina Beauvois Handfield, 40 years old, was arrested Wednesday in front of the offices of the Guardian Trust company in lower Broadway. The arrest was made on a warrant Issued by a police magistrate. Herman Jlanfieldtforemanof.R trunk factory, the womans husband, said his wife had been acting in a peculiar manner for some time. She will probably be sent to the asylum. s Factory Blown to Atoma. Berlin. A roburit factory near Witten, Westphalia, exploded Wednesday evening and was wiped from the face of the earth. Many persons were killed, but the exart number cannot be ascertained. People say Jt la far above fifty. About 100 persons were wounded and already have been conveyed to hospitals. The explosion was the surrounding heard throughout country. , which Is thickly settled. All the windows in the adjacent town ol Annen were destroyed. "I t-- 4 KWT . DYES rotor itilors, with F..SS in KiiUr t s Six U. Halr All Came Out Under Doctor Thre Months and No Better Packs havent the better of lawyem Cutlcura Works Wonders. and din tor In the matter of big hills. Be- - Mis Maigaret Emmerich, of CBnton For fifstreet, Napoleon, O, says; teen years I wss a great sufferer from kidnev troubles. My back pained pie terribly . Every turn caused move or sharp shooting pains My eyesight w dark )oor, spots appeared before me ansi had dizzy x)k41s. For could not do housework, tea veais and for. two xeais did not get out of the house The ki Inev secretions were irregular. and doctors were not boiui t Kidney v Pills helping me bought me quick icltef, and finally cured me Thev saved my life " Sold by all dealers .'0 cents a box. Y. Co., Buffalo, A t Ths Six Largest Lakes. lakes of rooie than 20.000 square-mileIn area exist in the world. Tht s Caspian la the largest of these, and, Imke Huron the smallest. Mr A C. Daiuett, Ur,. In, I wi fcoothlnff Nyvap Important to Mothars. proprietor of a 'rt i llliu I tru ekUct ti Ul , l nl gene al. ore in Cxarame cirefully ewry bottl- - of CASTOR) A, vard, Oklahoma "nruL ii avtin ). wlnj ul & it h Fife Bud Mire rmdy for infant aed cbttdrm, tells in the following grateful letter un Kuihitv of our enemies U uni Dial t hovv t'ii ctira cmed his son of a tei om Ui.ui tlu frit nilhtp of rible e trtiia "Mi little bov Ini eo i t1 jVar thf ! omuIn Hi-- , tenia head was one still I sou-alire of over hm valp, l.o hair all came Nat onai Pure Food and Drugs Act For t1n M Ye.i la I out, and he suffeted veiv mu U Mil Pius kmd Yon tUra Always BoogtaL It lllttl with tut lilt h.J a ihvsician neat Urn m; a' the .t tin nVw law 'bn ! Hi of Mireo lie Itl.s he C.I Elf H'llMlljtK U no ,t ; Its! ' l( Will Study Irish Languagt. er ' rememlicied that the Cute an Tiie cd.i alum committee of the LouT e.rvt- - i mi n drine yesterday, Rimed a. ha oped ne and afo 10 don county t ouucfr has nr him i wo ho' the pi il'tn.hinpic female, and of t u'hma to the council that clauses for R saw m 'It' ip .Kio'd.ng to diieoiotis gu Into ope of those low the A'lnlv of Him. I language and a1 u rig tufa ia Soap ami (hut-Bm- saloons ' es. mum," replied the be opener! in the public on him duly, his eczema ft nctirxils of Finabury, Islington. e,ir w.ufaiei, a fellow wtd on y a htri Ins i, i.r ki w again, and he ho dime ain't pot no call to go into dem Si Faucras and Str pney. Ree IhllmU-lphlDev. i toned oiit-We ii a .v c( Kirueord. Ctp It m r -- ot(i and Ointment w. N Uk. Salt Ljke CiYyi No74,' 1906 k - o.ir skin soft and tl ho h che. ifnllv lecommeml the Oil' K IP I!ii le for all ( ases of S n m V C llaiuett. Mar. JO VV . J ,14 t 1 l a-- 1 H - i i l I 1 s 1 re - Fostei-Milhur- High Position for Admiral. Willard H Rrownson. Rear Adn-awho has Jubi taken roinmand of the t, hns'e to American ruidet stood. xOon be recalled will, it to take what has become to be regard ed as the most lmjiortant post In the navy nanieh chief of the bureau of dmlial Hrownaoa would, navigation In the usual course, be placed on the retired list next year on account of old. age. but owing to his excellent physical and mental condition It is understood he will continue at the head of the navigation oureau at least during the present administration. toe." l Wrong Method of Teaching. Consii! "Haul .t fi (ifWnlce writes; the--Bas- TliridieiKof 1 vv. 11 edutaled A medians snnuallv ass ihuutgli eiilce and ah Jfcongh pmhahlv inm tenths of them have lu'd level, il vearR of Instruction il a Eiiropeim language, not me callable of speaking a dozen coune. led words of anything but Eng- Hsh Kven college giaililates, fresh from pi ie-- Inning in Fiench or Ger- j j one-tent- h man. are gepeialh cents r unable to speak either language, although capable of writing an excellent thesis on their history, philology, syntax and literature nils Is the icsnlt of teaching Frehtb and (lei man In much the same Keep in Good Health. There are many thousands of people all over the world who ca attribute their good health to taking .one way that Itin The original 25 ounco can. and Greek are taught." Others have copied !' the can, but K. G quality has never been equaled at any pnee. of two Rrandieth's Pills every night These pills cleanse the stomach and and bowels, stimulate the kidneys liver and pmify the blood. They are the sanle line laxative tonic pills your grandparents used, and belng'purely vegetable they are adapted to children and old people, as well as those In the vigor of manhood and womanhood. Brandreth's Hills have been m use for over a century and are for sale every w hot e. plain or sugar-coate- Wife Desertion Alarms. Bo many Cincinnati wives hafe been deserted by their husbands of late that the city council has taken steps toward putting a check on such runaways It lias been found that mortgage loan xhaiks are contributing factors In a gieat many cases. A mans ability to mortgage h's furniture without the knowledge of his wife Is a strong temptation to husbands of weak wlH. An ordinance has been Introduced making such mortgage of no Te Represent Italy and Spain. avail unless they bear the signature of The two great Catholic countries of both husband and wife. and are sending Euiope.' Ittjly Spain, new ambassadors to the court of St. Autos In German Army. James. The itiarquis di San Giullano. The German Volunteer Army Corps who will represent Italy, Is compara-tiveIl provided with 37 automobiles. In He conies of an chgrge of uniformed drivers, which a young man old Sicilian family of Norman descent, carry staff officers to and fro. In the and is highly cultured, having traveled maneuvers last month the speed and extensively with good results. He Is convenience of the machines were an enthusiastic student of Dante, and highly praised by the tacticians who Is president of the Italian Geographical watched the developments of the society. Senor Villa Vrattla, the new myic campaign. ambassador, accompanied Spanish .Klj?S.AUo1ns(L.Q..lmdQn,,1ODLr.the , mo' mentous occasion that ended in his engagement to Princess Ena. and woi golden opinions for his tact and courtesy during that visit. ' W JAQUES MFG. COk Oilcan Year tbee aekey will ge twict as tar H yefi ley the streag, wdnaada Sad hard la wear -- U'. -- h It r. t SCHOOL SHOES WEAR LIKE IRON J F. Mayer Boot THE SC1EN SIGK HEADACHE They Also relievo Distress from Dyspepsia. Indigestion and Too nearly A perfect remEating. edy for Dizziness, Names, Drowsiness. Bad Taste tn the Month, coated Tongue, Pain In the side. TORPID LIVER. Purely Vegetable. SMALL DOSE. They SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Signature Fac-Sun- Job-M- eou-ar- than ten year. lea IfttereatJnyTr The quamt or flclal home of the Postum Cereal Co The general office building of Mr. Post and hla aanoctatea Is a reproduction of r Mi'" w vuiMirin f auwBt fn w p f i.ww. L ItoaglM! Women's, HIhm sad Try CfclMrm' hw for style, fit sad r Oicf eseel nther makes. If I could take yon into my large factories at Brockton, JTiaSB.flllU show yon 1WW carefully W.L, Douglas shoe are made vou would then understand why they bold their shape, fit better, wear longer, end are of greater value than any other make. I IF1C" AND j . EXTERNAL COUN MODERN VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN -P- RICE' ALL DRUCGISTS AND DEALERS. OR IN COLLAp ilhl E TUBES-A- T 15c IN POST ACE STAMPS BY MAIL ON RErF!PT OF IV DONT WA'TJ A OUICK, SUPE. THE PAIN A TUBE HANDY.. any other plaster, and Will net blister the most dedcate skin. Ths and curative qualities of , the article axe wonderful, it will atop the toothache at once, and relieve T TILL COMES-KE- EP A substitute for and superior to mustard or pam-adsyi- Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it aa the best and safest external t known, aiso as an external remedy for pams l the cheat and stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuraigis and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim (or it. and it will he found to be Invaluabte m the household and for chilcren. Once used no family will be without it. Many Accept no preparation people say it Is fhe best of all your preparations. of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDKESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE-LIN- E PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. counter-irritan- CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET, V. L, DOUGLAS 3.50 &3.00 Shoes t, 'A.:.'. CAPISICUM Positively cured by these Little Pills. The giowth of the Postum Cereal Co is like a fairy .tale, but it is true every word of It.' REFUSE SUBSTITUTES' - "The Door Unbolted Is the title of a charming fittle booklet just Issued by the Company which tells, and Illustrates, the story 'of this remark able growth. It takes tne reader from err IN THC WORLD the little white barn in which the business wag started Jan. 1. 1893, IlDougta S4 G;u Edge Hm caimctbe rqtaliodatanypr ca through the palatial offices and great fh Sbo rrtt factory buildings of the White Cltv W. Home la um mow .that ' comprise .FpStumvilIe, Batik mi this euaiOefa 'v Creek, Mich. Kndor Cfatof TtW'-.Nttl- e whfrp barn. so ca refill !y A ipost interesting build flhacjred, Ing; Rir Ik ij "represents the humble b ginning of gnn of the country's great eat manufacruidng enterprises of today an enterprise that has grown from .little barn to a whole city of factory building within but little the Shakespeare house at Stratford-on-Avon- , and upon the house and Jts furnishings has been expended vast sums of money, until the rooms are more like the drawing rooms of the mansions of our than like, offices. That Mr. Post has belfeVed thoroughly in the Idea of giving to his employes attractive and healthful work rooms Is proven not only by the general office building of the Company and Its furnishings, but by bis factories a well, and of all of these thing this beautiful little booklet tells the Interesting story. It will he sent t0 anyone oa.Teuueat '.wwwwvvfJ-- ' X NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTBRS TO BLISTER. The Story of Postum Cesal in Words and Pictyifet. more, r, rv., MLLP1LL - I Shoe Co. Milwaukee, Vis. rcfulata the Bowels. TALE. ' w . m 1 empress of Japan. Educated accord ing to feudal ideas and skilled In all the accomplishments befitting one of her social eminence, her majesty strongly favors the broadness of the new education for woimn and from, her private purse, gives large sums toward the maintenance of womens schools and imiveisities. Duilng the war with Russia the empress visited the hospitals, many times' and every day passed hours making bandages The effect of these bandages upon th' wounded soldiers has been of deep in terest to medical and scientific men for the soldiers honored by them seemed to rally under a peculiar men tal Influence All other bandages were destroyed after their first use;, those made by the empress were sterilized and used again foe the simple reason of their effect os the recovery of the soldiers. FAIRY j Your dealer has them or will get them for you -is stamped take no other. ' The Mayer trade-mar- k on every sole; shoe for'-meWe also make the "Heserkllf and Westers Lady" shoe forewomen. 7 Japans Empress Pcpufar. A 4 , for boy sod girl. They! ant made of the best Mstoned upper lest her sad tough solid, soles and have fewer seam than other shoes, Mayer School shoe are ehaped to prevent injury Jo growing children! feet, T)xy Is doubtful If any royal consort tl more loved by her peoj le than Is the LIKE ') NEW YORK CITY BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost .Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL' THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. os obtain W. L. Wbrrrvsr yon Itvs, yon Dooftssbsss, HU nams and pries tAStanund tattom. IMS which an protects yon ililul kirk ort as m-- i Interior shoe. Tairo nn nAU. dealer Hr W.L. Dsnglaa ahacs lH(e. Ak yonr them. ind Cot Pwet0fn ; ffrw mitt met mmrbrtns ' flit Writ2" PtylM. Wi hi lAAWtAh, Ueptt A UrShktm, Mas Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. i - Sold by al Druggists. |