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Show L PRESIDENT HAD A G0OB TIME ON THE ISTHMUS I Wat Deeply Impressed With (rfe United (tstss Nsvy, With Panama and With Ports PHeo. Washington -Completing a remarkable remark-able trip to I'snsma, daring which he traveled several thousand mll-sw try sen and visited not only Ik bMh mus but Porto Rim as well, and voicing voic-ing bis thorough enjoyment of the entire voyage, President Itf-oeoveJi returned to Wsshlnglon at 10: is o'clock Monday night Speaking of the trip, the prMldaat said "We hsd a very phwannt. vary enjoyable time, and I am deeply Impressed Im-pressed with the Cnlied Htatea navy, with Pannma and with Porto Him." The Panama canal, It was staled by he president, will ho the subject of a special mesasge, slid consequently on that subject the president will sjy nothing st this time |