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Show RISKS LIFE FOR I HIS SWEETHEART RESv- QUICK-WITTED ACT OF A TEXAS COWBOY. GIRL BITTEN BY A SNAKE Young Man Immediately Suikt Poiton tram Weund and Wint Haughty Father' Cement to Their Marriage. lloiialon Te A thurn or Mnrr .iibn)a In the einplny of old ' lllun lerhii" 1 1 run on the famuli law Klnrlta ranch, liiWHilliwualernTexaa r wltneaaetl a few it) alnee a remark able Bcene and th" illaplay n( ilea Iterate derollitn im the part uf a ctim , iwle that haa few parallel either lu fact or Del Ion Mitt Halite Ihirttii wna Ralletilm I at rim Hie plain In cniupaiiy with i her father und u liuneli of eowlio) when he aeelilentally w a prrll) flower lilottniltiR near a larRe caclua ' rill fanHtua lielle nf Ihe llio tltande ' la an airotiipllahetl anil aplrllnl tltb-r taitable uf perfntmlna many feat on , lioraeluick that aatoiintl eieti Ihe moat tlarliiR liriinelio burner Without lat k ' elilliR Ihe teeil of her Hue racer he wun her lithe IhhI) lowurtla l he Rttiiiml In order to telle llio fragrant bloom that bad attracted her at tentlon Her haul had nu wmiier toiichinl the flower than there wu n wnrnliiK tat He mi familiar to the mra of Texan ami thn next Inalnnl Ihe fang of a motmlir i-Httleannke were driven Ihln Ihe while arm of the venliireaume Klrl Old man llaiou nu Ihe illtlet uf the mad -vet'it nl'n eye ami the lljth of the forked limine and the murder una fauH alnkliiR Into Ihe arm of hi adored tlauRliter She I hi mil) child, ami one for whom he ha hoard ett n million He lot, en her betlerthan hi own life IteiilltltiR I hill dentil umiully follow Ihe I. lie of uch a monmer, Ihe terrllletl father threw up hi urm wllh u moan of deapnlr Jack (larland. n tpilck-wllted valor on ex rancor, happened tn be clime enuiiRh In telle the frlRhlentil younx womau'a urm n the Ihtew ll up, and he RrntK'tl It uUiie Hie wound, en clrcllnR It with hi Ilium! and fore II n Rera with lnew of aleel Hint pre vcnled the pnlitnn frnni reaching be yond hi grip. A other comrade apraiiR to hi a alliance Jack pretaed Ida lip lo the wound and bcRan to auck the deadly venom from the whltn arm wllh all Ihe atrcnRth he poaacaaod. Old man Karon had fallen from hla taddlo In helple terror Whllo iiimn of tho boy were dlipatrhlnR Iho hlR rattler olhera were helpInK the dla Ireaaed father tn reach Ihe tide of hi dnuRhler lie I an old Texnn, und, '"iiipi'l Una 'hn mi imi em at a "$ V t-ltim hi iiuiiime Ih-rbii It, rle. fbi, f He km w i Iml the iKtlattti nf a twatie 'tS''' t Id In urn kt d fiuiii Ihe witiiiid and ' .' 'I In hIkii w well Inforinetl a In the ', rink anil tlanaer the Minna man raHi 't im in ilea You are a brave htiy," he, jft f C ' , etelalinttt a brave Imi Er ' j Mel what will nut a brave fctiy tin Wi '' fin ihe ptlrl he love'" Mid oue nf Ihe Hvi ! euw Imi aW-t II ftmn Itetanie evident that Ihe BK-' tiniiiR woman' life had been mum, tiffirJe- ( mid then rill em a weie turned aptm HnvV "'f latk SBa-'.''3. Ii wa hit aeerel nu Ihe ranch that BteiS the haniltttilile vinilia euw (my r,d Ihe fl8H& tut lit Klrl wIiom' life lie liad nmul HhW ,S v r The nattier Drove HI Fang Into Her H Arm. bad Iiiiir Ix'fti In line wllh tun- aa H I oilier NolhliiR had atood In Ihe way H .til Ihe union nf the happy In aria hut H Ihe bluer humility and determined H opiHwItlup nf the haiiRhly father i.f H Hnllle llaiou ,H The tremhlliiR nld father, tlantllnR H lb) hla dniiRhlera hone brealhltiR H I hard, with 111 head iikaluat her bomni, reallieil that the limn had ctime for capitulation MakliiR a ilea H perate effuit lo maater hla fitllnR. H he ralteil hla eye. iwlminlnK Intnai. H and taklnR hi ilauihter' band. )...- jH placed II within Ihe clp tif Ihe lie- H role yiiulh who had tared her life al H Ihe rink of limliiR hla own 'Hero, my brave lxiy, not one man In a inllllmi would have drareil lo do H wbut )ou have done .My dauabler hi H a In Her lutUe of yoiinc loun than f H am |