Show CAUGHT ON THE FLY Coal I Is I 110 n ton In South Africa It timbre two toni of rats to Ink not ton ot paper BperUclea were drat tired In HIP latter lat-ter part of the thirteenth century In union China there la n com puny which Iniurii nR aln t robhery Safe rendered burglarproof by rbr 1 rlclty are one of HIP latent miggei bollLast Last ear no fewer than 1181 den llct iblui nero dlneovorPd moat at them In lie North Atlantic I The grouloft boll In hat long famous ai the plant of thou IA emit In Mos ow Du weight 1e I 413722 paiilidi Nearly 100 women graduatr of Ober Ion 0 college are mlulunarloi of whom onoliilt nrA In forolgn ante Tbeban mnmnilen hnvn been found which cove proof Dial In tho iliya of the Pharaohs there were denllitii who filled decayed teeth with Kohl A toting man In Hollninl l has been onleep for otcr 220 Into Tho doctor whu my It li n genuine race regard Ito It-o ihronlB hitrilA or mtlomigccrllon Some harps hale bran illncoveretl lu KK I ptlan tomb The dente In ae eril Initaticp were Intact and gain forth dlitlact aiiud lifter n silence of 300j y oara The wafer cal which In In favor now Into only one thing lo recommend Itntid tint Ian I grater number of north may bo comprt < cd 11110 Ktnnll tpiro Oi the other hand 11 N eciHll hen > nil ciuihed During time reign of Queen Kimivn lona HI and her predccpwor In Madi aear 1000 ichoola snit no leu I than 1200 churches were established The churchea are Roman Oathnllo and Protestant and toleration trema lo b4 < the watchword ot the BOeminent |