Show DAIRY AND POULTRY INTBHCSTING CHAITnilB FOR ouch flunAL neADllns law sea efrl I urmrri fperale Title lutorlees of the 1 w lust 1 n 110 fort of Ill mlk sal t eahey c OH twentyEye year we hate been raising poultry ot i lame kind lion ever I have not II been engaged exclusivity I ex-clusivity In that line but havo kept p P tho breed pur tor fancy I huvo handled at various time Light llrah n inas Huff f01 him Sliver lneed 1 Wyandolles halt and While leghorn and Iliirred Plymouth Hock Tho Mined Plymouth Hook Is I the best i ill around chicken wo have tried HIs H-Is quiet mature early and Is I a good i later of good sited eggs Wynndollc I romp next In the winter they are housed 1111 thn summer they take to the apple trees for roosting We think they are healthier this way We feed corn at night and wheat In I the morning they also get some lime boiled potatoes and KI on for chingo i We are feeding at this time cooked apples I I ap-ples I mixed with ground wheat Our market Is Hi Louis It Is usually glutted glut-ted with poultry and eggs great quantities quan-tities of which como from tho South and I West Wn rev by Ihn market report that the market In Chicago Is I much belter alt Iho limn than It Is I In HI II Louis In winter wo get a fair supply of eggs but do not nmko a specially ot winter eggs Wo KMom lore fowls I from illncflne lice or predatory animals Wo have always adhered to Ida hen I white brooding and hato been as successful suc-cessful as we expected be Tho main point Is I lo give the broods good care while they are young I We bate never tried doctoring poultry poul-try If a chicken Is seen to bo ailing wo rut off Its head We uic crude carbolic acid In the drinking water While I leghorns urn Lost for egg and early maturity but I hail to discard them on account of their flying Into my hot belts I ii the product nt my hotbed bring I me much of my return for work Wo I believe that the Cochins or feathery L Q U rt I 1 I1IYs A ll Hu M flow IJ re 4 itrh r Jr 014011 IIIACK SPOTTED puuinuiio HUM = = = = legged fowls liato no business on n arm Their feathers are a great mil ranee In muddy limes On town Iota they may 100 l nil right Tho llgyptlan Poullr association of Southern llllnoli held their second annual an-nual how In Marina late In December Decem-ber They had n grand how of poultry There were GIG birds exhibited Among them were tluei llulf Cnchlni Iron Kngland of past yearn hatch Mr item 1 lick of Lltcbfleld llllnoli was Judge J II Matthews Farmers Ileilon How In Mln tut Ktery poultry keeper now wants eggs because they lira scarce and bring a good price Of course It 1s I Impossible lo get ai many eggs at this season BI In summer simply for tho reason that winter and cold weather lire not the natural UIHOH for blrdu to lay hut yet given good elect and londltlons us nearly approaching iiininier as may be and the hens will prove fairly prolllle A warm light sunny coop Is I my essential es-sential Tho housp mint be mug jet have ventilators that may bo opened In mild weather for bad air In n very bad thing Indeed for any species of anlniul 1fwK Ho Hire alio tho coop Is dry A 1 damp homo means colds roup I nnd no profit drain Is beat and n tnrlety also A good morning mash Is I nisd as allow Take 1 parts bran 4 parts ground oats 3 parts cornmeal corn-meal and 1 part linseed meal Then combine with tile grain mixture just as much boiled potatoes turnips or car rot as ou uio of KTulu Mix all In boiling water salt and pepper lightly and finally add a little meat scraps or arccn cut bone This makes a fool winters breakfast for poultry and will bring the eggs If anything will Scatter Scat-ter a few handful of whole wheat and oats about the coop a few times u day to keep the hens scratching Feed lightly on whole coru at night llemem her a cabbage once In a whileAV I Itrkln In farmers Review Insllili I see uf althea To obtain n supply I of suitable food all the Year round Is I not always an easy mutter therefore a few suggestions on this Important tubjcct may bo useful to dairy farmer who plan out In their minds n potslbln fowl supply to carry their stock through another year Ow lag to unforeseen events taking places which may Seriously rectum the amount of food nxpectxl on the amble land It Is I certainly advisable to lime a reverse supply at foot ready for uw at all ss sons of tin > for In Uu I I an of i I itp rytluai a auypl l > uC tail n 111 be < 10dld Of great Service 1 to the dulry firmer who would ulhcrnlw have to inr Ii1 I 1 r J ably increase the amount usually i > ni for foods purchased and If drouglil were In follow In counselor this amount would bo still further Increment thus I reducing the profit derived flora the I dairy heal and other els > w of Ih8 stock on the farm 8lliig Is about the best basis for ormliiK a ration for all kinds of farm stock that he stockowner could wish I for M U 1 supplies the place of eras In the winter rood of clock and can partly or entirely replace roots and hay It Would not bo necessary to reiltue the am under crops or pasture but simply sim-ply lo tenure the area of meadow land and grow legnmlnotm crops Instead The fool supply would bo thus In Crossed 1 and n reserve supply proIJed In enss > of drought or failure of croot Adage would be given In the long state thus dispensing with long hay or straw and both sweet and sour silage could be iiiadi 1 Sweet allege would bo used for nil elasapa I of breeding stock atilt sour silage for all classes of Morn and aliening al-iening stock and either kind when properly tnndr will keep 1 for > ears HllnCT Increases the quantity of milk when given with dlrcn lion and butler from rows fell on good Silage list the quality color and flaor that ixrtaln lo It In siimimr Ily practlnlng this system of ensiling fodder crops the cliland farmer Is I obit to pmtldo winter food for his slack on land otbernlMi iTqulrlng lo bo left fallow In summer And tile lightland I farmer In I able to winter n larger sheep I stock when ho Is I tolety dependent upon Ills root crop for toodTho Dairy London lingland llUrk Pptttd Irrlliiirc I ttf Thin Is I n Hwlsn breed Ilia United Slate tnnsiilar reiwrt aye of It There arc Hicrnl offshoot breed de rived l from tho parts Ilernese known as the Krrllmrg the Irutlger the titles and Ormond breeds but they lire 0111 mnro or less Inferior to Ihn pure original race AH n principle crossbreeding line failed In Swllierland and Ihn best result have ntwaya been obtained from Inbreeding from Iho pure original stock Of thru minor spotted breeds the only one that desenen l notice hero Is the Irelburg which originated Ibo canton can-ton of that name and Is I Mill brnl there In great purity although even hero It Is gradually giving way In tho best herds to tho light colored Satiate and Hlmmcnlhnl lnrlet = I The distinction milk of the rrclburR i cattle Is found In the fact that their I spots nro black Many example are seen In which the entlro animal Is I black except perhaps Iho head and a slrlpu under the holly It Is I fully as heavy III Its llerntsa rival but has larger heavier bones coarser flesh and Is I In other respects Inferior to It In Iho technical points that charniterlto n perfect per-fect stock As working animal and na tankers Hit rrtlburgeri rank next lo the arouse I IWrlr P1pplie1 l Cr lnrrli > < Wo receive n great many complaints from farmers where now creameries I lmo been established I In most Instance In-stance tho creaacrlcs urn not In blame The farmers halo not jet furnished Iho conditions whereby they ran make Iho most profit out of the creamery They are furnlshlni half the amount of milk they should furnish There are thousands of farmers with 200 acres of land who 1 mo keeping not morn than 10 or 16 1 town The making of Iho mill I from these few lows touts Hum nearly doublet per pound what It would If they made four times no much hen they blame tho en amery for not solving them n belter profit They any tho cionmcry Is I charging too much for the making of tliu butter when It Is hard to Pen how Iho creamery run lite with the small nuimmt of biiilness there Is I to bo done hero I ate thousands of the no prollt creameries all over Iho land rime farm era about them keep tO acres lo do the work of one and two cows to produce what one cow should produce leery thing In and about that creamery Is I marked by a lack of good Intelligent dairymen How can such men expect figs from thirties or profits from Ignorance Ig-norance of sound dairy conditions Hoards IJalryuiin hairy Inilrurllon m linlijc lat week a rvprrrcntallte of tho Prtimcr Ho lew lslted tho Michigan Agricultural College at taming The college la I certainly doing a great work In Its parlous branches but the appliances appli-ances for dairy Instruction are very limited lim-ited Tile dairy students certainty do not halo a fair show under such Cundl hone There Is I no branch of agricultural agricul-tural science more needful than that of the dairy and It terms n great mlitako not lo ut once cnlsrge this department of the college It may be 1 tint some plan Is on font to better nmt tern but It so we have not based of It The pro foiaon that haw tho control of Ibo itatrr work there roust labor under JI n it ill I mil u ari We Van onl hop matcODUItlona will soon change fur tilt I better |