Show tnw Hall 1 at nun esri A law cane which looted SOO year has agela come on for hearing 101 A Davnrlnn curt It Is waged between tho market conmanlty of llurilnn at Untcrfrnnk en la Djvarla and the lord of Thur lagea Tho calo waa commenced on the 21t of Juno 1503 when the legal nd vines of thin rommuulty appeared be let3 mho legal tribunal which then hold Its outing ID Bpelcr ngalntt tho lorda cf Thurlngea for n sum of 2000000 tiarica ai owners of a forgot of noble aka and beech tree Century by century cen-tury death thinned Ibo ranks on each tide hat others took up the cause and when the ci > e came on for trial tho other oth-er day matters teemed at fresh as ever It lo hoped howcier that the Slat of Jane 1890 will ace tho last of thin > en era W tult |