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Show Nnliirj 1'nblii. I C. R. JONES, Notary Public Resident Agrnt--F'irrman' Fund Insurance Company of Smi r'rniii tuio Mary Ann B Clark ft tli. "hoc maker s ' it the Agent for Summit Countv (nr .11. Swiil mo niir orders t ciiii All I them fur mmi, Ooalvlllc, - Utah Altoriiryx-ul Law. EVANS & EVANS ill ll-n Mlii. Murk Hull Uikt I'll). Telephone tml ... I; It.. 1 1 'JOAIK. 'FRANK EVANS f'oalrlllr, Utah. Office tt Ntw Count Court 1 lnuo. Othee l'lione Nt. la i ring. HeaMtmce 'IIhhw Nu. 5. i .Iftil racier. Edward H. Rhead AlMlrni'M ufTltliK fur Summit Collllt. I IliItT $lll,ll.(l llllllll Real Eitntc, Inturnncc, Farm Loans iMtli- nl It. -hi. m e mlillli'. t lull I'l r No l rln. Back Your Favorile Horses --. with our liiirni'KH mid tho nnlninla having good "hiiroi hctnui" will hi' BHlaMpjafj-n''' plontcd mill HiiUtJluil aa jnuraelf. F'riiij'iicHt of iiiatiior, tiiJ iicSTTinnr- III),', tint bent of HtlU'hliiKi itml IIiS ,-..,,. boat uf nlcklu-wnrk. In every net f our HiirnuM. Only lliu heat raw nin-lurliil nin-lurliil nuil tlie beat workmen uin-ployed uin-ployed iiioii IIiii liimiiifiu'turo of our KihhIk. Vnrl.liiiMiirtii"H or fancy MitK iiiiiil with alacrity ut ocoiioml vii I price. Dawson & LeVan I In 7. urn tlnil I'hII niillnr" Evanston Wyoming w ' ' . . J'tlAiciun and Surgeon FRENCH & PATE,! Physicians and Surgeons Olllce in Hnjili'ii lllook, CodUlIn . Olt)( o Iloura, from - to 4 p. in. All who t'iin kIioiiIiI oIhutmi thcae lioiim ii near aa poaallilc. Surveyor Tt. .A.. .TOIDTEJS, Gradual of I ha IiitKriiHllimiil Cor-rwpoiiilniiin Cor-rwpoiiilniiin Helmut. Mt'rnliluli. ! County Surveyor. , Notary l'uhllc iiml Conveyancer ui:.si:i'Eit, . UTAii'i lj When you come lo Confcr-! Confcr-! fcrencc or the Slate Fair, visit the F. AMUSSEN JEWELRY CO. !N 1 Milium. Snll Ijiknriij- rind Brncclels from $ 1 .00 up. ' I Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry ! Dr. J. S. Calderwood RESIDENT DENTIST ( oai.vii.m: Filling by Most Modern Methods Dentristry in All Its Branches Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable PaTJTOTKVi5 V A....Or.STMH.VT First-class COAL Always to be had at the Utah Steam Coal Co. No Delay. Special Chute for Loading Teams Penlnaula of Arabia. Tlie ttanlneuln of Aralila baa n . of aome W.S00.000 tuare rati, will" population wllmated at from fcOOOjM to 10,(i00.000. Tbe Tiirklh rrortat of Yemen It mol iiopnlou a It hlKhly ferUlo. Alien ooiamaBiU total to-tal export anil Import trad of mat 110.000.000. When Day Bgla. Tbe Unman and lb aacleat tkrji-tlnns tkrji-tlnns reckonetl the day from mkfaliiit to mMnla-hl. wblla tb Halrawi. Athenian and other raeknatl It from (unact to iiimeL lllrpattbai an aatronoiner who lived diirlgf, ih aecond iiiury Itofore Cbrlfct. rerk ored tho twenty four hour fro lull night to midnight. Olalnfact Railway Carrlagit. In navarln railway carrlacej ire dl. Infected at the end of oerf Jourmr l.ool. oit thl t'opy of Tb Him ' -krT.ff, IT V. otimtne thn ulfAll. i'Ii nr print, thu MttocftR&ufXm-ki which tho niN are mTtii?iniiil the iilmraott-r of ikh rwdlnn" matlet nml n(lorllHhiliiil It iVirrlen, then If yon llko It, MjfiiJ' aa I.mi for n yi-nr'n ii 'kcr:,!!'. . Vniwlll nri' rniiret'lt I A ItiiiK m I)ynupu Tiihlnt afior 'each iiu'hI orfoinea linliKeatlon, iljni'mla and oiIut utoiuanh lliu. TimIiih' trial fri'n.A'k our tlcnli.r' I'or hIb by John Hojnlen A Hon. ' I'tah'H IIIk Popular I'rh'vil Dally Ik nmllfd oi'ry inornlnir furWtHtuiK n in. nidi In Hilvanrr. It uie nil Him mi. uh. SulNH-riliafor tlie Inlor-Moiintiiln Inlor-Moiintiiln Ki.pulillian. bait lke. Are you hnlii iroolil" whh your klilnojH? There urn loin of popl loilay who woniler wh thny lme paliiH lU'romt the luiek why they are tired nml lacking In energy ami am-hltloii. am-hltloii. Your kliliiejii aro wroii);, Thny nneil relli f without delay. Take DuWItt'a Kitliw, -t Itladdar I'HIh; they tiro for weak lunik, In. Ilaiiiluatloii of tli. Maililer, hack-acho hack-acho ami weak kidney. . " Sold by John lloydaa & Son, Warranty Deeds . . .Hie per iloz I-tra Xolice . . . .26c per iloz Wo would Im plumed to lm our rendnrri, ami tho inililic (reunriilly, Kmid In hiioIi iteiiiK if new n may coiiip umlur tin Ir ilwcrnlloii, uoli ii hirtlia, ihtatliK, miirrliiKW, (rolnga nml comlngx, vtt. Many thlngii Iriinnplrn that w in y oerlook, lienvo nu hhK you to lowlHt ug In IIiIm iiiiitler'tliat w amy h aid to IUIIiIIhIi AM. the m Sen Jlrn, Ithoad. a fur your Draw HntH. A tlekllnt; coiikIi fr ''n any enuan, Ih ipilckly utoppeu bv Dr. SlioopV Cniiuli Cure. And n l aulliorouglily harinlniw mid nafi that Dr. Slioon tellH iiiothnra nrt wliere to he ft without hoaltatloii emu to very Jouiik hahea. Tin wlioUoino gremi leiuoK ami tender -tenia of a Injur IiuiiIIhk inountiilm im xhriih, furn-IhIi furn-IhIi the eunithu ri ertlsa to Dr. Khoop'H Coujth Cnn' It ualuiH tho tint eoutrli, and Inula tho noro mid Nennltlve hroiiclilnliar iihrnuca. No opium, no ('hi ofuiin nothing; liurah uwid to Injuri. or hupp tt. Simply n roKluoiiH plant ox'ra t, that. Iieliw to heni achliiKltinK- I'lioSpiiiilanlH call thlh hhruh whiili tho Douler iihbh, "Tho Saorod Utrh," Dmnand Dr. RhoopV Take no other. for aalo by John Doyden & Si v f" I i No. WW. Hi port of lite condition of the First National Bank of t'onUlllf. at Coalville, hi Hit. I Slali of I lab. at llmi'limn or Intuitu Intui-tu , Dee. .1, IUH7. I HHMII Ki'Ka. I.OIIUH ami Dlaeiuinta t)l hi, HW.tW (m nlrnfiH hi cured and I iin.eeiiri.il . . H.imYMi I II I I cure circulation cir-culation ... sti.iaaiiai I'n iiiluin-on I S.llouda liaatiai II. .ii.ii., heeuriii. . t to. U.imi ii llniiklug lioin.e, furniture , mid HMuri.h rV.iaal.KI Due from National I lank a loot rcwrn. HKeulal . . 1 1, WW. -Jl Dm from approM'd rn- tr.d iiifi'titB . ia.7:w TV I lieekh nml oilier cnali llellia r. 11 I ilimiKca for ClearlliK llollao IKIIO NotiHofolherNnt'l Ilankh nliim) i'rnctloiial pnpor currency , nickel, ami centa '.'.!il Lawful iiiinii.) rehvrte hi lunik, l. niMl.im l spt clc . Tl.nfi 1 LeKill-leuiler llotia 1).(M l,r.(lhUln lledeinplloli fund with (J. " rn"ilVlti"r, "araant. i of i in iiiiiMiuii ' i''nn"'ti Tolal .. . fg77.7M.7fi IjfAUII.IIlKM. C'apllHl hlock paid In -ji, iui.di Mirtilua fund 1 'U.mii 1 ruillvldud prnllth, lih..x- pim ami laxea paid. I.i..'l.n7 National Hank not en out- htmiilluir '.t, imi.in Indlvldnal ilepiwlih ami- lect In chuck si j ?'i ifli Tfino rnrlltlcnlnhorili.pohlt il.btH.HI Caalilur'acheckaoulatiinil- i lug; .. jKmr.H1 Total VJfn.VM.lt, Stale of Utah. I Coiinl) of Hiiuimllt l: I, Frank I'liigree, Caahler of the aboo-iiHinid hank, do mb iiiuU Huear that tho hImi atalemeiil I-true I-true to the Iwet of my knowledge llllll hellef. l'tUNK J'lNllllt.H, ConldiT. Correct Attehl: M. K. ItHIIUNINII, J A MRU I'lVIIHRH, Al.t'llHIl IlLOVItt'laT, , Dlrectorn. HulHicrlliud nml Hwnrn to laifore mn thlh Intli ilu.v of D..C, mn, C It. Jiiniw, Notary l'uhllc gljiIJiHRSHRPa4BNkWW. w- T?StB m pmces P WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD is a very nourishing food; in fact, an nrtitlc of lint mi nutritious in itself, woult' Mipporr life. On it you can fml with profit and with plt-.isurc. 1'alatablc and easy of digestion. t Fot tats by nH Graoers Malatar McTavlah'a Bon Mt. At an am Hun hah In a Pcoltl-b vl .lag' Hie atietlonur waa t . ma to tl a uambar of domeatic utenatla, toeing I leg a porridge pot A uaual he waa making a great fan Pinching, hi keen eye caught a well known worthy Hit beadle atandlng at the baok of tin crowd, and he "limited out "Mala 'tar McTavlah, make an offer for thin t i pot! Wny. It would make a aptendlrt kirk bell' "Aye," replied the lieadl. ". nu tongue waa In III" Trial Catarrh ireaiiiifiitaan. belni. mailed out free, on riiifat. hv IH. I Hlloop, lUelne, U. Theae teat ale proving to ih.. pn.-ple without e Ipennj'a coat tho great value : I ihla neb nlllle preHcrlpiloii known t. ilruggiih eer,wliereaHDr. HhiMtpV I Pur aide by John ltoyden A Son. New Goods Arriving j " Sec our N'ICK I.IX1-: -if SCUM'S .mil DOII.IUS. ' $ IIAN'DRlvRCIlUU'.S ol all Qualities. Utile' . v Kelts, Xeckwciir ami Side mid Hack Cittubs. I $ A Special Line of Christmas Toys I k H.irniiiH tit HaU, Caps .mil Shnc ICxamiiic them I I GEORGE W. YOUNG j I I Dealer in General Merchandise. I 1 I ' I 1 Christmas Novelties I is xi M g At ts M p MRSSTiTKH 1 WANTED,00Cu,,oTiroF,ron!" Troy Laundry of Salt Like. lH f Will Gather and Deliver Once a Week -atLgggggj t BULLOCK BROTHERS I H 9VPKKKH,K9P.vKKKKKKK.KKV,PMKKKKKKXKK iiH agaagaaBBBBBai Free Round Trip Ex- cursion to Ogden ; 9 1 To give the people of Coalville and vicinity an opportunity r lo see our great Christmas Display we will pay your fare to JH Ogden and return. SIH 1 Cut out this advertisement and bring it to our store with PH you when you are through trading, if your purchase amounts to JF? $30.00 or over we will refund the entire amount of your rail- r ' 1 road ticket. i ' .1 Not good from points East of Coalville. J 1 W. H. Wright Sc Sons Co. 1 OGDEN, UTAH. , 1 ' 'l M $ '4- B iiaaal '"' Tgg - ' ' ' JpbbbbbI f gfH lagBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHeflgBBBBBBBV iaBBnaS" '-iSEffylK ggggggggggggaTgggggggggggggggSlgggga |