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Show X iib I I Noliuj H-- . C.R. JONES, Note HOME n j A tn P jn - , A.' Re?Ji rrd peisot?a! - . - I - Gcr rnent. I I I M . NEWS oesetvij Ui,raity . !, hi l VlNi-- , 11 M that uiir bank ii. Ill . '1! i tl' . i: n i.. M." At nrn eys-- Lair t a ell. Park City the m 1 Mi' K.n id K. .'. IK ( u Jtlli v U .Ni t )j m 'it t III H-- ' rtuh n nil V Z iii nr Nti. liin o Thmie No. um I ct1 IIU-- l.ant' Miiu u Ih.stra rt e r. Ouimt Real i . t I ll. lk l li ..f. Sr1 Title' fur Snmmil mler $Iii,ikiii.uii liuiul ut i'lu.uf No. if t i.i. I., i.h I:- i ' "II e'.-i'- ileeam ra ual t .' hi nT' i i h I .a ' u.ll ii 1. - . tin- - Back Your Favorite Horses ! ' evpens. worn A il t ( t t . h. ..I ! i 1 n.'. ut lo t, 11 .t It I nil H ZTt ii X along : nicely- - mpHtliy fur it' L .icy lit UT fill ' .hiii in i V ter u McTavIsh' Bon Mot. me j h '1 a S P'per I1' th'-Ii.- gnl. linKy in , " For sale by all Grocers ' I Kirl mj diie'tion. II U. U ei w ieo. ex; it he cleat in !l" liver I et ' I,lr hum. 8ection. alien to the "tune ts in N n Zcalnn Il il I a t a !i i"i iu ut a hetn; non t ns lt'iiivunu a.fl giul'ic a ij)' ( s of '1 ide Tlie Maoris '' cie-- t Cocks Wear Well. hv In. mail' .1 H.ii in mi teipn-'tA , in u! in lull and it Mi'pended nround tin ir iiiar ti Km is. Th"' ine, 'ts are h'Xip, ( oror ... ... (ll i - pn 'i ei i d nicks, and uh.n thus cm tied it is ill e. l! without i (i) hi.i ,i r my und known U' the Hi Tiki, or neck ruling I" the the a)irilhe. mvde ,n Ciim.iny. In 1U40, god. They credit it with marvelous cii't great value o: lii'iiiii a C'linrnct a nii'li. ), tun.l hi powers ligairet mil as well as gieat ihi' 'eh iitilie ireseript ion known i leut u. uid !' nun rmr.'ng It Qwner good driiggi't' veri w In reii' Dr. Slioop'e sitency In for months at a time uithout luck. For sale by John DoyJen & Son. ! ' i i i , , 1 - I not considered propa whole wa u 'dance to a for er pirl or !' I one partner. Threo or polka with two Tin y four men dance a round or same lady, returning her to winding him with the of th her original partner at the end dance. III In Hims.a it e i 1st ' . . bri'-mu- 1 uf g"ing af lv the I aili.-- s Peninsula of Arabia. The peninsula of Arabia has an aret uf of some V 200,000 square miles, with "ili'.imsmiitOiann Klu",,.,,' ' at 'l1()pooooo from ul nil ll ( ' ", The Turklsh proiince i - i III lle.ennil I MtKft Tiitttl. "f lull It O' It ni' an I ' uii't cm cl li'.t l ul -- I s A A a - Al A A Ai 1.'. $1 pi. V Ill' It' ud and ii nj It IH-iMi liuni- I. Ill "I ( I.i l' r. Hiking lii ui'i !M lu- ' rt ini n..i'.i' c. , I j:, non on non no II non .m I lit ui ' Inictnmi National fi.IKKI.IKI HirPu. fr Look over er I Belts, Neckwear and Side and Back Combs. 1 i i.'l.T.'t.'i.T'.' r... m KtniKt;uuuKUKt7nft:KK::mUnt!t:nBn55 lutt.oO HI 0.00 Christmas Novelties 2.24 77.05 notes JKKMW v Dealer in General Merchandise. U.W12.JI Wljm Specie thjs copy of The Tim s Legal-tendfhectean. clear UNK of SCARFS ami DOILIES. HANDKERCHIEFS ot all Qualities. Ladies' See .mr NICl-- GEORGE W. YOUNG ill nit III e and New Goods Arriving A Special Line of Chmtmas Toy Bargains in Hats, Caps and Shoes. Examine them cir-- 1 I with our harness and the animals They having good hora" sense will be upon as pleased and saUgfledas yourself. effort to run and kicked Evans The best of leather, the best o 'lin- -' ing, the best of stitching, and the Is not a graceful driver he is a good in every set of best of nickle-wor- k one. our Harness. Only the best raw material and the best workmen emIt will be unnecessary for you to ployed upon the manufacture of our a hi in tin u lul'l- - 4 I uni' '.-. I '. ' , 5un. I' in I f, i.l ;i! 1,1 D. e a. ipoT. l. !.o, I, "I Bank' while the it reckoned lint resel'l Mgi'tlt' S'liuriit Evaii' and Deputy John Athenians and other Din fr.im nppim. I re from sunset to sunset. d agent' C'alli' come m ar meeting with what n astronomer who lived during the serj. auH ( ii r isi refK on a accident 'erious been before lra e f Lurisi, Becond century niTgTi lfjt milHorn r hour twenty-fouored the their ret urn from Kanins after search Lvi.hat,ls ciHiumg House .. of night to midnight One Mrs. for Simpson. ing Notes of otlierNatl Hanks Fractional paper currency the tugs came unhooked also letting Dlsiafect Railway Carriage. nickels and cents ... In Bavaria ratlway carriage r dl the tongue drop, and the buggy ran of Journey. every end the at vVzV' made an Infected the horses. to midnight, t V First National Bank l Is y'emen is most populous anda toeomimny are amaing rentioiif ami commands att rai'l cn'i.l, ral'le nutiee. one1 highly fertile. Aden trade of sojb the tal export and Import it urn hi gown in part $30,000,000. leading l.iily. Mi l'miHeM. - said t'l lie the niO't f!i'iit It artl'tii' When Day Beginsdree' et cr '"11 "ii h" Hiul. At the The Romans and the ancient Egyptians reckoned the day from midnight Opera lluii'e next Kiidiiy night. Hebrews, u. N lit " rt 6.00-1,00- J . , of diet . h.le 'i an article food; In 6 nutritious in its;!., v.ouKi upport life. On it you cm frei with profit and with pic is. e. Palatable and easy of ' v. n t st np: nourishing r !, mi In Divide Darvie Into ad M i a ! n-- ' ImJs. Thi i l'eiii' mu a'. ui ii uf th :i a " ' MIl,;li l.p M ll.lt M I' , i Td.T, ST" I,, K ,, tir.ant it ('unlit lull. D.ule' 'Little i aei Oil the hi ei ; mid headaelie.ec'i-'ii iiisiiehe i iltV mul mu put uhi hy Join L i ii lit'. el t ( I 1. 1 .1 ' rrjlifch f n ia j I (Friday) mnniing, 111 eil a few hours. e ..ni .iii- - ilia- - i U man' ' i ,t ' of their m i ilen Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans tore aNo t. r lmn. Ml IL "hit nn1 oa! I ! r U1 li.i li lit .1 uf (.I. in ill Jilt hT nil fV? Edward H. Rhead Ali'ii. u M'li-r- al ( ! i STONES LUCKY u tun tin She Hilly , I ' trnin i Hllllm . in.; ' a l.ink I ZEALAND V t. .1 I NEW - F? r He D" Win k'up. ma lux ia nm 1 I'1 her it iru. If ,! - n l I FRANK EVANS i i i WHEAT FLAKE CELERY . Ufa Kic I. ii n it .t l i I EVANS & EVANS Tt ' ll! l I i i d, rnt h to j w.-- lb - !, milling. i, tlit ' 11. ami i Tn- ' .I' - iii .1 - 'i!.i r, t try ; i r M- . i -' ' rDK - M1 r- Knew Him. . husband come b'in had a cork. tv; and tel! uiH he ha ' 'jix.il tire1 'hid Mrs. Oayman. ' no an unvr d'wns n line ' tup "WTiPtt is iriXenUj ' (bain x in!.. M 1. un . ' ei f ' I" lll''-- i ''11.1 p"l- - 'l buw U r?' i A t l"ll" till'. fMirpe-- i ftesofla end vs in Mc- :i ! r ! Ui lii.ll'li'k Is' imw i'ir a.'' eptiHl ti Competition. ? seteMr titia ' 8 der I" T'l. Marv A HP. I, II I t- -! I . Hull lll'loW O ft (.ill lr.'-ui'- f2 2i,r,08.5 Redemption fund with U. (5 per. cent the ftttraclajaAj print, of clrculajmip which the ads are sathp, ana tne Total ' $277,723.75 character of reading matter LIABILITIhS. and advertisingkhat it (kirries, then in ... $ 27.ikai.O0 Rtock painful, expensive op- if you like it, sebF os $l..-s-) for a Capital fund paid or fanev go through 4.0H0.OO goods. Working-harnes- s Yt a will nerve Surplus eration for Piles if you use ManZan. years .7 .script Undivided profits, less exsets made with alacrity tit econmni it. lut up in a collapsible tube with regret 1,024.07 penses and tHcs paid. cal prices. National Bank notes outnoz.el, ready to apply to t lie soreA Rings I)yspeiu Tablet after 25.iAl0.lKI ness and inflammation. For any standing each tneaT overcomes indigestion, Individual deposits sur- form of Piles, price otic, guaranteed. ieet to check 212.77H.21t dyspepsia and other stomach ills. For sale by John Boyden & Son. Tin' Tt tint that ti,5o4.Hl Two days trial free. Ask our dealer Time certificates of deposit I'uIIh Tuti tin r" Cashier's check soul 'tu tidFor sale by John Boyden & Son. 2.s.(i.7H ing Evanston - Total Wyoming $277,723.75 Utahs Big Popular Priced Daily is mailed every morning for.70 cents State of Utah, a When you come to e a month in advance,. It gives all County of Summit!' of the Frank Cashier I, Filigree, the news. Subscribe fur the or the State Fair, Surgeon Physician solemnly Salt Imke. swear d that the bank, do Republican. visit the aboc statement i. true to the best of my knowledge Are you having trouble with your and belief. Fhink Finorkk, & AMUSSEN Cll'hier. kidneys? There are lot' of people Correct Attest who wonder have why today they M. S. Know t mi, JEWELRY CO. Physicians and Surgeons pains across the back, why they are J mh Pi m.kfk, . j 70 J Mala St. - - fult Lake City, Itah tired and lacking m energy and amAi.mm Blovir ist, Directors. bition. Your kidneys are wrong. Bracelets from $ .00 up. Otliee in Hoyden Block, Coalville. Sulwcriln'd nnd sworn to before fa They need relief without delay. me this loth da of Dec. Hki7. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry Take DeWitts Kidney & Bladder C. U. Jones. Notary Public. Othee Hours, from 2 to 4 p. in. Pills; they are for weak back, inflammation of th" bladder,- backAll who can should observe these '4' x hours us near as possible. ache and weak kidneys. . & Sold by John Bodea Son. itli - At k . P MRS. M. E. K Dawson & LeVan I Confer-ferenc- the i j and Inter-Mounta- in above-name- j FRENCH WANTED- - 5 100 Customers to patronize PATE, : j j 1 Troy Laundry of Salt Lake. Will Gather and Deliver Once a Week BULLOCK BROTHERS - -- Surveyor Dr. J. S. Calderwood R. JL. CTOITES, RESIDENT DENTIST Warrant? Deeds Estray Notices per dot .25c per doz We would be pleased to have. our COALVILLE readers, and the public gonorally-- j Ormlnnt of the International in such item' f news as may semi Ph. Most WtTHnton. Modem Methods Shonl. Filling by come under their ibservatiou, such Dentristry in All Its Branches as births, deaths, marriages, goings County Surveyor. and comings, etc. Many things Work Guaranteed transpire that we tomiy overlook, Prices Reasonable hence we ask you assist us in Notary Public and Conveyancer this matter'that w may be able to OFFICK HOPRS BY APPOINTMENT publish ALL the news. UTAH A. M. TO 6 P.M HENEFER, . -- Free Round Trip Excursion to Ogden C -- See Mrs. Rhoad. s for Hats. First-clas- s COAL Always to be had at the Utah Steam Coal Co. No Delay. Special Chute for Loading Teams your Dress A is tickling cough, fmm any cause, quickly stopped by Dr. Shoopg Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers even where to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The wiiolsome green leaves and tender 'terns of a lung heaIlngmotjntaliRua shrub, furnish the curative proierties to Dr. Shoopa Cough Cure. It calms the the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, nochl' ofoirn. nothing harsh used to injure or supp ss. Himpljr a resinous plant exract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this 'shrub which the Docter uses, The Sacred Herb. Demand Dr. Shoops. Take no other. For sale by John Boyden tt Si v i To give the people of Coalville and vicinity an opportunity to see our great Christmas Display we will pay your fare to . Ogden and return. - Cut out this advertisement and bring it to our storey with if your purchase amounts to you when you are through trading, $30.00 or over we will refund the entire amount of your railroad ticket. CJ Not good from points East of Coalville. W. H. Wright & Sons Co. OGDEN, UTAH. T |