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Show RUSSIA WILL BORROW MONEY. Rebuilding of Fleet and Other Eapen dlturea Can Not be Met by Pres yr ... ,. nt Revenuea. St. PelersbuTK.-'lt: -ri,med from ofllclal sourcea that Itiissih'' probatd? will mirkct a foreign loan tho latter part of 1908, ir International condl lions nro then favoinble Tho pros tnt revenue nru ndequato to covet Iho ordinary expenaes on tho ecu nomlc scale which M. KokovsolT has Inslltiied since tho war, with perhaps some assistance from n small Inter nal loan, but lor the Introduction ol general education, tho conalruc Hon ol railroads, tho iv-hiilldlnK ol the fleet and similar projects, the necessity ne-cessity of financial help from abroad la Irankl) admlttul These cxpendl tures run lie di lerred ror n time, hut not Indefinitely, nnd the govcrntnun liellevoa that parliament haa nrog nled the neceaally of and will nu thorite a loan tan amount or which shall not he nxed, but will dopem largely upon tho realisation or the l!0S budget, whlrh will be known h, September or October. |