Show H110T AN AlUimV I AT KACII IS TltllDlin pal bad not tho hrwar miJdraly Intel In-tel pneed rtlowly lowlr ri h > outh he aald li > Inn hl > liaml on Ihe ohoulJer uf 11 Icmaehun I Vliai will you poor iuin uld Tilematluia Rrnlly look aniHcred the lx > f nr I And tuildfnly the oil man atoixl up I anil towered In maleaty nier Th l iiuobui Illi eye llaihol wlUI Hrengtli j mill ifor ot munliood nnd hit noble mrrlano be < iokD him n hero nnd a kins Kumaaua fell ilonn to wnrthlp fovllnn mire that Jove hlnnelf naif thiu rn irealed hlmtelf and Tclonncluu woa mute lth aitonlihmrnt My ton do not not knnw nicT I nm VlyMM your Ions abnent fnlherl Then fatnir nnd win frll Intu rarh I other a arm and wrpt for Joy When they were ealraej once more Ilyaaea I told them all hla adtcnturea When the rhaMdani he concluded I I ed 1 to kindly Mut mil here In the wonderful won-derful thlp that nerdod no Riilde no pilot I tlept And when the ve tel I touched tbc itrand I still alrpt Anil ao they rairlcd me and luld nlll on the lianki and when 1 awoke tblo morning morn-ing I knew not my own Und which for twenty ytara I have not neon nut the wlie Minerva upnearnl to me at u hrpherd told me whire I waa nnd led me here dltgulied She told mo now k IM nt tll 0 > TfUmathua and thin I ind ysu h r New ItotM I 1M we nhall eal our telvM on th baae maratidera and dli lurbtn of the queen penre A 101I11 rontrrnallon rnud and UlyuMi Inl hri by wylim Ih1 be would appear at the banquet that day dlninlteil aa the benar and he commanded com-manded Telemarhua to f r 00 mora tenllon In him than he would to ny Mr Bwr keeklnx help Then Telema chut went IB Ihe palace and when be hul w n Ihe queen he went tn hit nwrw and remained Ibere o no one knew he liod relurnwl Then Middenly a loml hout waa heard It a nnly the prlnree gr l Intt what the herald ha1 I Juet pro chimed I Penelope Queen of Ithai a to the Ionia within my domain Thla day I will nlv myaelf In mar rlane with my rrown and l nda aa dowry to him who ahall prove hlnnelf worthy In Ihe fmt nt alrenxlh < < thit I ahall decide on That waa all llul It nilil the noMea with reJolcliiR nnd when the lime for Ihe Ixinqtift drew nelrllll were gathered In Ihe Brent lull Their Joy wai to re reive a check however When Penelope Pene-lope entered radiant In all her Jewell nnd her roliea of lineal iipun material a murmur ot admiration ran Ihrotixn the ateomhly Hut DM not moment It wai changed one of chagrin a < they aaw Trlemachiia walking behind hla mother They had hoped that he wna dead elnr II w At an 10nR l alnf he had 1 holll heard of In the kingdom When nil were MM In I I lya e en lerml hi lallerel rolie banly coverIng cover-Ing hla worn Iliure Aa he cnwteil Ihe thrtahold hla dog now grown feetle with a e lifted III head aud giving a yelp of Joy tried to drag hla oil farm to hla he loved maalera fret Anil then he fell dead hla wornnut heart huv IDR nrat been rowardml for hla long walcliliih and willing No one nollcwl the incident aave Ihe beggar who waling wal-ing blmaeir by Ihe hearth drew bla lIn1 before hla molalened yIn y-In lto e daya Ihe poor were irented ilirftnntly from what they went W he i ow Ulyaaea waa received Into Ihe I nqiietrooin of the queen and aervcd t ah a I > rtlin from her Uble Mien th xutala had been Mrved limy I crew even merrier than I before md It wan MI long before llya be ine Ihe liilt for their coarae Jokea I Orp even went ao fur nl tn rnlar a fool nnd atrlke Uyaiva with It and Tel iitilnia cniild arnrcel ronlrol hl > nngr and Indignation at neelng hla lull r aii Ire lied wllhln hla own hall Hut n look from Illynaea quieted him nnii thlnga wnt on na hefore Thrn at lait they called fur Ihe font itreDgth IVnrlupii amlled and lommintfed flral that utl woapona lituld be renioted from the room luce In the incitement they might ho put In a wrong HIM When till waa done twelve ring were arranged rev r1 feet apirt In t long row down the hall Then n large boll and n quiver uf arrowa which Uly a had won In nne uf hla heroic dcwla were btnutthl out Whomever ciin airing tula bow and ahoot an arrow thrniiKli tho twelte ilnga I mat have me for hla bride aald Penelope Telemaehua lint tnnU the taw olid tried to bend II to lit Iho arrow In tho airing Hut atruggle aa ho would ho could not ao much aa move It He In I onl1 a atrlpllng cried n burly noble lltn It In met aIM they tried nntt after another Thy Ifflllllh airing with tallow and with i > ll but nn ono rould lieuI Ibo bow When all bad Mod Ula ra itepped forward and begged pcrinl lion to tr llnw they Jeered and but fried him for hla daring oven to nik to high n fnvar Hut Pcnclopo I cried out 1st him try Though he In i > u chI tin mitt ho watanccu aoldlcr M him trylThin Thin Ihry malo way und II I men taking Ihe biiK hrnt It ua eailly n If II had been n willow wand nnd irnt Iho arrow Hying through tho twelve rlnss where at Ihe end of Ua rourae It airuck Into the wall and thru remained fait And then Mlnrrtn look the dlngulia from n > and he atnod revnalixl llehold I me UIMc he cried In Ihunderoua Innea Now iwe ho 1 Khali reward you all for daring tn of friint your iiuccn for dnrlng In malic m > home a plJio of revelr Tien with miming aim ho abut an ami nt onrli Inlrinlrr till all urro dead Thor wan no chinro for de finae for all their wenrona had been Itkrji uway there waa no chancq ot eampe for all tho doors hud brrn ae curiMl And no perlnhed the men who had < boapltiillt and fnllod la defend uenkneM nd no did Ulymen rrlurn to hla kliiKdnm and hla quron nttrr the lull tho hirtUhlpa and nrluiUoun of war and the nscomiillnhment uf heroic dctHli |