Show roots 0 of laid anl sml n e i The llmehonorcil custom of showering I shower-Ing rice salon the departing bride and I groom has Its painful side Man young couple have begun their honeinoon In actual philcal pain thank to the tony rrnln which luue tiling their eyes mid cars and found their way Into their clothe and down their neck Worse disaster than this are on record rec-ord Home > hno taken fright at the reckless thowerlng of theo grain und lice In some cane has led lo tho over turning of the carriage und oovra Injury In-jury of Its occupants Attempts have occasionally been made to mend huts Into of affair but until lately nothing has taken the pluco of lice Tho problem prob-lem li I at last solved however At u recent double wedding confetti was used as n lubttllute for the offending rice For the benefit of inch reader ae nro unacquainted with confetti may deccrlbn them as tiny paper wafer principally gold and silver with a few colored one Intermixed by way of mill mi-ll In K to limo effect The progreu of inch bride down tho ttalrtaso > to limo carriage car-riage on this particular occasion was made In n shower of gold nnd silver surely quite as good an omen for her future prosperity nl could poiilbl be afforded by the prosaic grain nf rice Tho effect of lime myriad ot sparkling > > confetti wai absolutely charming and falryllko as they fluttered to the ground Iho sun catching them in they fell Certainly they clung about tho dreiec of the newly marrkd couple but they did no harm and were noon shaken off In tho house us they fell on tho llornl decoration and ipirklid among tho rosin and fern they produced pro-duced n result that U well WOI thy of note by Iliomi whoso business It IA I lo provide notcdlle for function of thin sort Aa for Ito horse they were sublimely sub-limely unconscious of tho tiny gold and liter piece with which their back had been sprinkled by the lime they started Waverly |