Show < SUB LIKES FRANCS BEST l il lUnrinlpti trmrthlll In jell Ing I led lertrt lady Randolph Chun hill whOM engagement I en-gagement to William Waldorf Astor has Just been announced although the mother of two grown nona looks al moit u young and liandniine ai when the was one of the famous group of young American bemitlmi whom Napoleon Na-poleon 111 Invited to CompleRnv at the lime of the celebration of the prince Imperlaii tenth birthday It aims luring tier tltlt al Complcgne tint Mli Jennie Jerome gained the frltmUulp of he prince and prlnc M of Walei who were among her fellow gueili a frlendihlp that greatly aided her M chat career In Hnttand and In turn Increased In-creased her ability lo promote her ale illiband political mrce Trom Complegne the went with her mother and her two timer tn COWM where she was Introduced to Lord llnn lolph on hoard of till royal yacht It was n Ijuc on hits chile at IIIItor love at first tight Tine day liter he iroponed to her Mi Jerome uw In hllll only a jounger ton with no pro IlCrl nnd the took her daughter luck IJN i t i a lt1 i i m LADY 1 Clll IICIIILL 10 Iirln They were married however In 1871 lnthy Ilandolph Cimmrm hill lint few nteieit In Auierlcj except 00 a imnll properly owner Rime U paiulonately I attachnl to Prance and the Trench 1 and prefers fart to lontlon This It I In deed the only point on which she and Mr Astor differ He minces lermany and illillke Prance and the Trench laly Randolph Churchill It the daughter daugh-ter of canard Jerome of New irk |