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Show toedcra rifles, and know liow t tie them; bat tn the haat of the notion their spirit Is to throw these down Kid Mot at the enemy man to man with QUEER AND CURIOUS TH1NOS aabsr and Shield. Each on carries AND EVENTS. his toft arm a convex buckler mad of hippopotamus hide, so thick and tough that often a swift flying projectile M m Cwaas of TmMU That Tarnish deflected hr it Of 21.000 men, blacks rwsaagsu Raos SMk That Hast. and whites, who fought in this battle aatlM aaS An Vnw Agmla 0e 4 era the Italian side, about 1.009 escaped, ' shout 2.000 were made prisoners, end Of Show ora of Fishes the rat were killed." Windsor IS THE FOB WOMEN AND HOME ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR MAIDS - AND MATRONS. laut A CmUmOmEnIi Olib, Rat ta tt M to Werld Oar Caoblaf Scheols. Gowe World ( Hb tl - A llapla Ward. b glorious ta ante Mjr Thoughts Itutl hII glad tha twa Vt , i Tara sky Is clouded, tha rocks era hers; Tie spray of tha tempest la white hi air; fha winds are out with the wve at play. jUd 1 shall not tempt tha aaa today. T1 me thro Itgh souls. Ilk thou Ur aura that con tn light One la ceutury; Slut better far It la to apeak One ilcnpl word, which now and than ghali waken their free nature in tha weak And frlemllcaa aou of man. I The trail is narrow, tha wood la dim Ike panther clings ta the arching limb; Sad tha lions whelps are abroad at play, Sad I shall not loin ta the chase today." , aoma aarraat veraa or llna. Which, Backing not the prate of art. Shall make clear faith and manhood ehiue So write gat the ship sailed safely ewer the aaa. Sad tha hunters came from tha chase ta glee; Sad the town that waa bulldog upon a rock gas swallowed np ta tha earthquake shock. Brat Hart. la Ibe untutored heart 3 1 wha doth thl. In verea or pro, May be forgotten In bla day, Slut ao rely shell be crowned at taat with I tboee . 4 Who Uve an4 apeak for Jamea ItuaaeD LoallL , Qeeer Cm It seems passing strange considering L the enormous amount of ocean traffic carried on nowadays, that it should be passible fo? a vessel to put out to sea It fit condition only to vanish from the face of the waters and leave no indication of 1U fate. -- True, there are Bwlaaa Olrla. f I do not mean a girl who ha son Into aome trad or profeselon, for tha moat domestic "home bird" of my girl Indeed, if eh may be one. tielp to carry out her dally duties successfully she must do her utmost to become a tmslnee girl In my sene of the word. And when, tn course of time, she passes to a home of her own, gho will be at no loss In taking up her rosltlsn as housekeeper and mistress. Eh win win the respect of those In her employ by showing them that she un tderstands how eh should be served, and tbst while contort la absolutely required, no extravagance will be allowed. She will cause, her husband' love for her to Increase by showing film bow truly hie Interest ta here by Stringing Into play her knowledge of 'how to spend end how to save." To make hum uncomfortable by mean, unnecessary savings is no real economy, but to plan with loving thought how to make every dollar yield Its true Salue Is housekeeping In Us best senses for such abua lines girl will makT m small Income go further end give more real happiness and comfort than .would one of double end treble the Amount In Inexperienced hands, . But to make my girl reader n complete business one of the type which I write, he must also learn how to conduct bar charities, (living Indiscriminately, without Inquiry or thought, Is often more productive of evil than good, and she must be ns wise over the spending of the portion allotted "to help others," end give as thorough consideration to It as the doe to whet she puts apart for her personal concerns. tender Of yeilow From Monday morning UU Saturday inlddny tb majority of husbands tell you they ere hard at work. They rise t, or 8. end, h swing eaten break-las- t, get to business. At midday comes Mt hour for dinner and rest. Then work fills up the time till t, , r 7. The evening they claim ns their Uwtul rest after n herd days men When two of these meet they si most invariably, aoonor or later, sneer or Joke about the lasy Uvea Women lead. Listen! If the head of n house rlsea at 6, hli wife must rise At i in order to have his breakfast ready on n clean table In n cleanly satin; very narrow strip of the eatin Interlaced over white satin, skirt; white silk fringe trimmings. Urge bow of black velvet on bodice end ea shoulder, j Woman's Sunday. ) at, breed-winnin- hard-work- ed - - a thick paste of starch; rub this well the sun And sir. for three or four days, when the tne noses demand n regular and symmetrical, but not very high, colffui Fin noses, with mobile nostrils, surmounted by two bright eyes, want n coiffure with contrary lines, and Aar-- , ing something of the unforeseen and of fantastic. Fantastic must be carried even further with short and retrousse noses, and even amount to an appearance of disorder restrained by pins and combe. Lastly, n serious, regular, almost severe coiffure gives to long, aquiline noses that peculiar character which marks the efflges of most historical medals Baltimore Herald. In, and then expose It to stains should have disappeared It they have not, repeat the process, sprinkling the linen now and again as It dries with n little water. A Fee aha Perhaps every one la aware of the quite magical effect of a face shampoo when tired out Its refreshing powers are so great that the little trouble involved la not worth considering. Wet a sponge in soft hot water. Put on It n little good soap and n few drops of glycerine. Lather the face thoroughly with the rinse, sad rub the skin with almond meal till It is quite dry. Wash the meal off with fresh hot water, then pray or sponge the face with cold water till the flesh feels nice and firm. This eloses the pores Dry gently with a soft towel and powder lightly with pure Fullers earth. A Smart Camliloatloa. Visiting gown of drsb velvet Underskirt Of black gause embroidered Tunic of In Jet and black sequins the velvet draped slightly at the left Ida where n few hollow plants are Inserted. It is cut undulating at the bottom end Is tost with e narrow band of sable. Corsage of teivet, shaped like n cuirass, with long basques that describe n scallop at the back and front wept room. The hwsband leave for business, and bis Wife settles down to , the necessarily dull routine of At the mMday meal she housework. moat probably haa to attend to the want of two or three children. In the afternoon :sbe most call on her neighbors In order to keep up friend' Bhtpa, so that her husband may bava people to talk to when he wanU variety In the evening. She alao haa to do the necessary shopping. At about I the hardest part of her day begins First, tb evening meal, then the children to be put to bed, then ah must try and be lively end amuse her spouse till such time as he chooses to go to bed. As tq wife's Sunday, every on - Whe a ehild knew what ha yve that means, owe sal Red styles ta Skirts. The skirt buttoned down the back from belt to hem, end the skirt that is fastened at the back with severe buttons and cord, are both fortunately, fot the fashion waa to ex t 'md to be In good taste. Tb habit . Urt. ns it called the skirt that fits a riding-habi- t, that haa either Xlik seam la the middle of the back or ctr cular, and fasten at the left aide, la as yet the best This require to be carefully made, so that it Is not too The-ugltight over ths hack and hips plain look la obviated by four rows of tucks, very small, and put on about three Inches below the waist This break the plain look that la objectionable to ibe many figures. Satin-face- d cloths, of both light and heavy weight see to be used again, but there are also to be worn shaggy serge and ' camel's hair friezes. Cashmere and all materials of the cashmere and smooth Saleh will be extremely fashionable, as they lend themselves particularly g well to the style of dress. They come in 11 shades and beautiful colorings. Harpers Bazar. Trie Oytiert. Select large oysters. Clean, par-bo- ll slightly, to draw out some of the wster. Drain and dry on a towel. Roll In flour or fine bread crumbs, dip In mayonnaise dressing, then in crumbs again. Let them stand five minutes, and If they seem moist dip again In crumbs and cook at once in deep, hot fat ons minute. Being already cooked they need only the browning of the ernmbs. Cat the no larger than a half dollar and keep them hot. Put the scraps and trimmings In n sauce pan with half a pint of claret, two shalloU, a bay leaf, n spring thyme, a pinch of red pepper, and n pint of stock. Reduce this over S quick fir and strain, add two ounces f butler, hslf n Aintwl shrimper w mushrooms and the juice t! half a lemon. Mix well, but do not koQ. Dish the duck on slices of fried or toasted breed, pour the sauce over it and garnish with parsley. piece - close-fittin- I Bair Dmulat'llial When the head la short the hair must he raised as much as possible. If it la long tbs hair la thrown back on the temples and slightly puffed Excess t length In the read may easily be concealed by the arrangement of the hair. Fov prominent foreheads car should be taken not to throw the hair back. . For n retreating forehead and. A face without expression n coiffure on the front of the head will bring cut the features. The line of the note Is cf primary importance In arrangingthe eolffure, Straight or slightly aqull- ss Salmi of Dock. flesh of n roast duck Into Golds Rpleo Cake. Cream half a cup of butter, add ons cup of brown sugar and beat well. Add the yolks of four eggs and on wholt gg. well beaten; stir in half a cup each of milk and molasses, two and cups of flour, sifted, with half a teaspoonful of soda, half a teaspoonful of clove, one teaspoonful of of a grated cinnamon, a tew grains of cayenne and a few Bake In a gratings of lemon peel. square loaf. In a moderate oven, about an hour, and when cold Invert and cover the bottom with a marshmallow frosting. CboraUt Tedding. JTSe fluirt of milk, mix a lltU Of It with three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch and the same quantity of grated chocolate. Blend to a smooth paste, and stir it briskly Into the remainder Of the milk while It is boiling briskly. Cook for three minutes, remove and add teaspppntul of. ,Tnlls and- the beaten yolk of three eggs. Pour the mixture Into a buttered pie dish and bake from twenty to thirty minute. Whisk toe white of toe egg, to a .UK froth, stir Into them a tabiespoonfy of powdered augar, and pile it care-lasto the pudding and place it la n warn taot Eot) oven for fire to set Serve hot one-four- th one-four- th Yoke and sleeves of Jetted black de sole. moua-eall- l)aa ns nut-me- g. Km ns Stela front Table The careful housewife is much annoyed when n splc span tablecloth la marred by n stain of fool or beverage. These can, however, be quite easily removed it taken when fresh. For ten stains, spread the stiined place over n basin, then rub the spot well with either powdered borsx or pur glycer-ln- e then pour boiling wster through the material, allowing it to soak well In tils. If the stains are not fresh, this may require to be repeated. Coffee stains may be removed in the earn way, Fruit and win stains are frequently very troublesome, and should be Attended to ns soon ns may be. If possible, at once strain the stnlnsd part of tb cloth over basin, and rub the spot well with line salt, then poor Calleg boiling water through It to prevent V freshly nut 1 admire n man who can la aa the mark spreading. old Brimley. tomato rubbed OTer the newly mad "Will yob open n small bottle with fruit or wine stain is also said to be excellent Another wayTi to Tub the mT asked BUx. Philadelphia Norte stained part well on both sides, with Amerieaa. - ly ttn -- hindreds of unidentified derelicts float-la- g about ths seas, and some of them may be the vessels which have so mysteriously vanished. It Is appalling to a the fates think of such mysteries e vessels. which, setting sal with hundreds of passengers to whom the voyage perhaps promises happiness, wealth and all the Joys of Ufa, never reach their destination, and are never again heard of. Taka the ease of tha Burvl Castle as a striking example. She vanished, not In midocean, bat between the ports of London and Plymouth. Into the latter port aha pnt on her way to Australia. But ah never reached Plymouth, and not a living soul knows how or where she vanished. It Is most extraordinary that ahe should have been lost so near to land without so much as a spar being washed ashore lo uu of her Tel ful fata. Equally myatorloaa Is the case of the Atalanta. - This famous training vessel waa stationed off Bermuda with more than 250 souls aboard. Early In 1880 she set anil for a short cruise and from that dayto this ahe has never been heard of. A very considerable percentage of the vessels which disappeared forever in this mysterious manner were running between England and America at the time. It might be thought that the terrific seas of the vast Atlantic were responsible, but it has been proved that many venaela were lost when the ocean was almost at' dead calm. A large sailing ship left New Orleans some yearn ago for London.' Thrice ahe was Spoken and reported nil well, and ahe was facing exquisite weather and "mauasa-Mat toe third time. Yet it la known ahe was lost with all hand within twenty-fou- r hours, and to this day no trace of her has been discovered. In the early part of 1892 a five-ma-st bark, tha Maria, a newly constructed vessel, and at that time the third largest In toe mercantile marine, set sail In beautiful weather from one of. the biggest ports In Cochin Chinn for Hamburg, with every promise of a fair voyage. But ahe never reached Germany. She vanished shortly after being spoken off the west coast of Africa, and nothing has been found since to Indicate the fete that befell her. Another vessel running between England and America which met nn end of n kind none but those who shared steamIt ever knew was the first-claship President She nailed from New York for a Journey to Liverpool In the spring of 18U, having on board a full crew of experienced hands and officers and a distinguished company of passengers. She left New York In fine weather in splendid condition and with no reason for fearing anything he was likely to meet Bat the was never spoken and never heard of again and although fifty-sevyears have pawed, M 00 yet know t WU dirt calamity her end was due. M OUR COOKINQ SCHOOL. y ' ODD COBNEB. en TisU foe Wen lion and ragged men of A country tots Ethiopia, ns toe people call it, not Abyssinia, which is n disparaging word In use among toe Arab. An Ethiopian worthy to wear In battle to lions skin that Menellk give to toe bravest must be one wbo can go three days without food, fighting tot while or Journeying over desert and moon-tain- s; one wbo cares nothing for pain or death. It 1 a custom among then men, after battle or warlike maneuvers, to aquat down on tha ground In long Une and fir their rifles In toa Mr, barrels np, butt between toe ksoes; bo blank cartridges here, but ball that wound or kill whomsoever they strike to the descent A cannon shot gives toa signal, and forthwith toe firing start far down to line, rolling nearer and nearer, until It swells into a roar of musketry above the emperor himself; then dies away at too farther tide! And toe bullets como down upon the soldiers or citizens as may be; for place la this firing, like as not takes a crowded city. 'Would eot be wls. our majesty, asked a French traveler aghast at this reckless proosdurn. Why so T blank cartridge idvTw.neUk. it would economise 1 do not Mte Wi and save Ufa' 11 makes losing fw rifle beila.il The Italian them. dwpbte rnr people at Adowa what thee soldiers teteg of rifle- balls: aa then some bounding on- to the charge, planned Man? but-le- t, through and through with saw to and go on fighting; toward the sloe rush tewavtog hll sword, and kill with hie hands The Abyralnlan (to Us Word) ge lata battle with accepted to Beer Abyentalmn As lain ten ting nail Hashish 1 the Oriental name of the plant or rather of the tope apd tender parts of the plant which la aclentlDcal-know- n aa Cannabis Indies, and which we term Indian hemp. K Is la India, and has long been employed as a medicine In Asia. Arabs, Persians, Indiana, Chinese and Booth Africans esteem It far Its fataxlcatlng powers. Various preparations of ths plant are employed for the purpose of producing this effect A favorite mode of extracting Its active prtndpU la by boiling the tops and flowers with water, to which batter of all has been added, evaporating end thus forming an oleaginous solution of fatty substance. The effect produced by hashish la that of happiness, and by that la meant an enjoyment entirely moral and by no means sensual. Tha hashish enter ta happy, not like the gourmand or the famished man when satisfying Ms appatOa, or ths voluptuary In the gretlAcatloo of his desires, but Ilka Urn who bean tidings which SB him with Joy. On of the first appiadabl effect of tha drag 1 gradual weakening of the power of eantrolUng and directing Iks thoughts. Than com the stags already described; and and In part following it. there are ahserrad errors of mu false ooBTiethms, and tha predomla-ene- a of ana or more extravagant Ideas. Thee ideas and convictions are generally not altogether of an Imaginary character, but are suggested by external twpresskma which are erroasoariy Interpreted by tha perceptive faculties. Finally, If ths dose is sufficiently paw-erfe- l, there Is s complete withdrawal of the mill faam external, things cl-trrat- ed or Logans, as they cuBed, ore numerous In many placas fa England, Ireland and Scotland, and nearly every other country; One, sltnated at a place on the Island of Magee, In Browns Bay, Ireland, la popularly believed to acquire a rocking, tremulous motion at the approach of sinners and malefactors, Tha rocking-stonare large mines of rock so finely poised ea to mors backward and forward with toe Slightest Raektng-stan- es es Impale. - Bom of them appear to ha natural, others artificial Tha formas are chiefly ' granite rocks, to which feldspar and porphyry an abundantly present; and thee Ingredients" becoming rapidly decomposed. and the gnat and sand washed away by raja a, what was formerly a solid rock soon nines the appearance of n group of Irregularly shaped pillars having rhomboids! borlsontal section, i separated Into portions of hortrontsl and vertVM fissures. As disintegration proceeds, toe edges of to blocks forming the pillars became piles of two or more spheroidal rocks resting upon each other. It, nowi a mass of rock be so situated as to preserve Its In spits of toe gradual dlmlnn tlon of Its base or point of support, a rocking-ston- e is toe result The artificial ones appear to have been formed by catting away n mass of rock around tha center point of Us bun. 1 occur as funeral Greece, rocktog-atane- a monnmests, and an generally found on conspicuous places near ths occur near to the Soma rocking-ston- e remains dt ancient fortifications, which seems to bear out a statement to one of tha poems of Ossloa that ths hards walked round the stone staging, and mad It more as an oracle of ths fate of eqnl-libriu- m - - Shewn F1he.,.- - Tropical countries where violent stormsjniddmi gusts of wind and whirlwinds an most common, often experience showers of sheai Flak varying In weight trou a pound and a half ta tone pounds hare bean known to tsD In India. Sorest hnni they an Bring, Hut more frequemtiy they an dead and putrefying; They an always of kinds abundant la tha sea or freak waters of tha neighborhood; and there can ha but little doubt that they are carried up ta tha air hy violant vtaduBhoogh they aosneUwea tail at a cemeddsrable distance from any water which esnld supply to era. There have bean Instances where fails of fishes have takas place In coast'd as not tropleaL stickle-hack- s ahower of email, thne-spine- d fell near Merthyr-Tydn- l. Wales, sprinkling toe ground and housetops over an ana of at least several square miles, soma years ago. They were alive wham they fall, yet If caught np hy a whirlwind from any of the brackish ponds sear to aea in which this apedes abounds, they must hava been conveyed through tha air distance of almost thirty miles. At Torrens, la the Isle of Mull, another iteriae tastSK ' wcurred,la which herrings were found strewed on a hill Ere hundred yards from the sea, and one hundred tost above. -- elapse before U 1s t thoroughly There Is nothing for preserving to body Ilk baring no heart 4. tege Fllee TenyW The daughters of famous actresses go upon the stag. ThU may be because they have no Inclination that way, or because their 'careful mammae refuse to countenance any snch ambl- -' tlon. Lillian Russells daughter U being educated In n convent; MraLang-tr- y keeps her beautiful Jean apart from' stage life, and Ellen Terrys daughter, Alisa Craig, has settled down to designing costumes. She did think of becoming nn actress, but Miss Terry successfully steered her thoughts la another direction and let her down by easy stages, for when the Idea of being an actress waa reluctantly abandoned n concert pianist was the next goal AHa aimed for. Even that in time was given up, and now the designing of lovely gowns for stage wear will take up her time It 1 n good idea, for any artistic Inspiration which may be lurking In Mias Craigs heart and mind can find embodiment In creations of lace sad gauze. Jewels and satin. Tee ties Get Silva's Foot-Eas- e Fraa, Write today to Allen S. Olmsted, L Roy, N. Y.. for n free temple of Aln powder to shake into len's Foot-Easyour shoes It cures chilblains, sweating. damp, swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. An Instant curs for Corns and Bunions. All druggists anfi shoe stores sell it, 25o rarely e, First Wanderer Dis coal pile la d hardest bed 1 ever slept on. Second e Wanderer Youre Jlst right; but over dere seems ter like It; hes sleeping fine First Wanderer Course he li;H greedy ptg got her fust, and Rag-gle- picked out de bln wld de soft coal Harper's Bazar. la 1L Tb dining ear service of tbe Denver A Rio Grand Railroad is proving e greet convenience to the traveling publio. Elegant dining cere ere attached to all trains leaving Denver on this popular road, where meals ere served in e manner pleasing to all travelers, end at moderate pr.ee. The enjoyment of a trip through Colorado wonderful scenery that atounds along tb road is enhanced by the dining car end other conveniences that have been adopted. For Information, time cards, --rates, eta, eddriM S. 4aaengev end Ticket Agent, Denver, or IL M. Cushing, Traveling Pasacn rer Agent, 109 West Second South Street, Salt Lake City. Wemans Unhappy Leo. What are you crying for, XlBlif His' Btlle daUghicr I'Ve Just read that tbe diamond mines may be exhausted to seven years, and its eight before my coming out Jewel- era Weekly. Mr. Buell Time end DUtene Annihilated. Ia keeping with Its past unapproachable record, Union Pacific R. R., the Greet Overland Route, will, on October 15th, place IS service in entirely new strictly s limited, train to be known by the Old familiar name of The Overland Limited. This in addition to the present excellent schedule which wlU be continued. ' The NEW OVERLAND LIMITED will leave Salt Lake City daily at U:t5 a m., Ogden 1:15 p. m., arrive Denver Omaha 7:15 p. m., and Chicago 9:30 a. m.. In ample time for ell eastern connection to New York, Boston, Washington, etc., end be the most handsomely equipped end fastest train ever given to the western people. As usual there will be no change of can to Denver, Omaha end Chicago, end only on ehang to principal eastern cities. Further particular at companys offloe, 'Old Stand," SOI Main street. Salt Lake City. ' first-clas- is a, - Prevee, Life: Him This administration Is as futile and Ineffective and useless His wife It Is, John, It and i is. Why, there isnt n single letter-bo- x with n silt big enough for you to mall n bundle of papers. New Dining Car Serilen. Effective June 1st, the Rio Grand Western railway began operating it new dining can, serving all meals on all Its throng k trains. Ths arrangement Included No. 9 leaving Ogden at 7:80 a. m. end Belt Lake City at 8:80 a. m. ; also No. 4 leaving Ogden at 6:85 p. m. end Belt Lake City el Tbe west-boun- d through trains, both morning and n!gbLwilI also carry diners. The cuisine Is as perfect ea it la polble to make It. Service, e la earto se that yon can have your "coffee end roll for breakfast, or you cea select frag e mson a elaborate and oomplete a ton market of Utah eea supply. ' Fteek mt Hew Sportsman (to Snobaon, who hasn't brought down n single bird nil day) Do yon know Lord Peckbamt Snobaon O, dear, yea; Ive often shot at his house. 8portsman Ever hit itT Stray Btories. TO CURB A COLD IK ORB DAT, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. AB refund the money if It fails to s druggl-- ta the E- N. Orove'e signature on each box. - It Is often e good thing for s mao peso of mind that be doesn't know what other people know about him. Mr. Winslow's Soothing gyrop, Forehlldrea teethlac. aoftena the xnmt, ndoeee fa SemmaUue, alley paa.oweewnieiitQi Deahetttw When a woman gets a cat that is a good mouM catcher she likes it so welt that she feeds It so much that It qnita. shall recommend Pisos Cure far end wide. Mrs. Mulligan, PlumiteadKenV Englaud, Nov. 8 1 lt. The starter at a race track Is an who la always taken at his word. - Chetee Experts nay that to bvied' city of Pompeii has MS yet yielded Up half of Ua nittetie Ironaoro; that at to peer will present veto of progrea tee DlU .CeateeMa. 4it4r am-h!m- aU - Merely Se Oe 7:40 p. m. iL OF ACTRESSES. DAUGHTERS man Booklet Bent Free. Attractive Ceeue ee Cr tmr tBoktoc Weller too A Ce. When n girl father stamp his foot time for the 1st mala to start. it Is To euro your Catarrh or Cold to Heed a London Balm. All druggists refund tnuucy if It fell to relieve Sue end 50a Temperane ha seen premeted tn the Frenoh army by controlling the canteen and substituting ceffee, tea and cocoa for Intoxicating drlnka. |