Show OGDEN COMPANY IS LOW BIDDER New Road Will Connect Wyoming Markets and Uintah Basin Tb Lyon Lon Construction Con compa company ny of low bidder r today toay at t th the If t f bIds for tor the th construction con of f the tho th project In the tho northeastern rn part p rt of ot the th tite said It B J Finch district engineer of the theU thU U 1 S 5 bureau burtu of ubil roada r The Th Lyon company comp ny submItted abid a 1 bId I of 0 as 85 a agaInst E lit the th en- en engineers en estimate of A O 1 Youn Young of of Richfield Utah was as w second low bidd bidder r with Fred F Feltch of Vernal who wh was u w a visitor at at- at the Ule Ui bureau of road roads office today tody y made maele mad the th following statement concerning the th new stew ra roa road This Tha road will open up for the produce of of the Uintah basIn ba ln a II roar mar m market ket kt that Is la worth orth a good deal ded more than any other r In the th way of get get- ct tin hag fruit vegetables tables and all cultural rl-cultural cultural to the th north thy they lh y are ar not nt raised Heretofore tv ev cc- cc has had to co go 0 south or east rIght Into countries where here such auch pr ducts are ar being raised There Is no railroad or even enn good rood truck roads It h hai ha be been n almost Impossible to rase r the th basin and get c t them out ut at a profit as th they y have hav had hael hadI to to go right Into nt sections where th the tam same things are raised Th The north north- northern ern orn em market that will be b opened up by this road will Mill b be a kl big benefit to the ranch and business of Cf the th h basin It will als also pen epen up a remarkable r scenic and anel tourist area arc rea will Was brIng a large amount of travel from Zion lallona park 10 to Yellowstone park making aI a direct route rout for travel between these I two places which will help wonder wonder- fully t K r l the th dev d nt of t the tho Besides there ther Is a 11 abig big Ie timber industry which will soon loon be opened open d up by this moans of ot trane- trane tr n poria The Th people p of 01 f Uintah and Daggett counties consider this one on of the th be bet c a the th two tw communities could coull 1 have hav f C f their future and the th welfare re of the th people d be b graded and will willbe willbe be 15 miles In length Construction Construction Construction tion will wilt get et underway soon on the Lyon Construction company h been recommended to Washington as the result of Its low bid Is In Uintah county c and Manila In Da tt county and the then flew nw w road rd will be the th t real reo link connecting the th two to communitIes tie Mr Finch said Mid The Th new route rout wUl will conn connect ct with the Lincoln highway at Green Gre n River W Wyn and with the th Victor Victory ayat highway ay at Vernal Vt nal |