Show GIRL SWIMMER FROM AMERICA PADDLES OVER COLD CHANNEL Gertrude Ederic First Firsty y oman t Conquer Cold and Tide TAKES 15 HOURS Enters Frigid Wate- Wate V at Grim Greased and Also Determined K IC I N G S D 1 OWN England Aug 11 0 O-Dv O Uv The AssO Associated Asso lat Press Iress Ederle E landed here re tonight success success- successfully fully fully swimming the tl c I channel from Crom Cape Cope Grig Gris Ncr Franca PEAL DEH England 1 Aug 6 6 fly Ily The A Associated Press Press- Press Gertrude Iderle n was about a mile julie of or ir lown hear lIer Heal fical on a flood tide Ide ot at o'clock tonIght on ler r swim across the thc English h clinn nd nd I n Is about rhe miles north of or Doer DOVER DOEn Aug 6 fly C By The Associated Iress 11 Press Press Miss 3 Ger- Ger 11 as lIS about Ix miles from froin Doer Der D er at i 1 o'clock tonight on her Lug Eng channel s s lin DEAL DEtT England Aug Alii Au 6 0 Dv Ba The As I Press Press- Press Pres Caretakers aboard the Hie light lightship ship oft Goo ln 1 Sands about si Bit lx miles from the h roa coat t reported tins tilts evening that Gertrude E was swimming sinming strongly a as she he sed ras-sed Cd the lie ship in tier her channel swim Thc They that tho tI tide was In favor faor of or a success for forthe the young American swim swim- swimmer mer iner I CAPE ORIS NEZ NEZ France Aug 6 fly By The Associated Pre Press Press- Press II- II Gertru Gertrude 1 Ederle the tIo American swimmer started at 70 7 OS ock o'clock this morning In on nn attempt to swim the tho English channel Tie The conditions when she the took her plunge w were re fine tine AU ALB 3 II 1 M Er fE tt s lIs t sf making good progress a little to the north or of ofa oa II a straight lint line across the channel from Capo Cape Gris Net Nez The Tho sea was smooth and the water fairly warm with the tho tem tem- tern tern- tem temperature at degree degrees Fahren Fahren- Fahrenheit Fahrenheit heit heR It was a grim find And and determined swimmer that entered the water this morning In sharp contrast to last year when she sho ovo oft off as It IC Iton ICon Iton on a holiday With set face laco she he walked Into the channel from the tho sandy beach Instead of diving from the rocks ot of the cap cape as be- be before be before fore lorl WARNED n ID Y f flY TRAI TRAINER ER She barely acknowledged the cheers of or the few Cew onlookers onlooker but walked briskly until the water reached her waist and then launch launch- launched launched launched ed oft off with a n steady toll toll of ot 28 strokes to the minute making for tor forthe the escorting tug Alsace Aleace yards away I She was going very strong and her trainer T W Yo Burgess was alren already warning her Take your our time Miss Ederle Miss lIss Ederle did not come from Boulogne on board the tu tug as 01 In her last attempt but submitted to the opera opera- operation operation operation tion In the hotel botel Siren Sirene at nt the Cape SISTER GREASES tIER HER The greasing was done dono by her ber sister Margaret 1 First a coat ot of about an eight eighth ot of an anInch aninch aninch Inch thick was applied and then thena a layer ot of bea heavy grease 2 Miss Ederle then donned a navy blue swimming s suit cut deeply under the arms and over this a third layer of or grease was applied The swimmer displayed some over the Ion long greasing operation and said to pid Bm Bill Burgess her trainer For heavens sake sakI lots lot's get started Gee but Its It's cold were her ber tint first words as ns she struck c oft off In Inthe inthe Inthe the channel water which regis regis- registered registered registered 61 ci degrees Fahrenheit at sunrise For 1001 the first two miles after she sho caught up with the tug lug Miss Mias continued mechanically at 28 8 to 29 9 strokes a minute making making- good progress the sea was calm and she he raised her goggles goggle over her forehead tor for several hundred bundred yards saying It will be time enough to look through these things when the breeze freshens NO JAZZ J BAND DUm Strictly business wa was the motto aboard tho the convoying tug with 1 only Miss 2 ML Ederle father sister trainer Burgess i Ishak Helmy and a swimming federa federa- federation Lion tion official Joe Costa Cota aboard besides the crew sr Newspapermen and 1 photograph ers followed on the ocean going tug lug The Tho pilots of ot both tugs lugs did their best to shield the from the increasing breeze breexe which arose about noon after atler flu Ederle had been In the tho water five fhe hours At that time she was nine miles out There was no Jazz Jau band aboard the tug tug- but a phonograph began to grind Yell Yes Ies Sir She She'S My Baby Daby Today Note Note Today's attempt at swim swim- swimming swimming ming minI the h English channel chann was not Gertrude Ederle's first Introduction Introduction tion Lion to thi this rough way waterway lying between the coasts couts of ot Fr France Franca and England The one one time lime amateur cham cham- champlon champion pion plon who Is now a p last lOIst summer to negotiate the same me 19 18 miles of or water aur which Continued on rage Pop Pae Two 01 EDERLE TRIES TO CROSS CHANNEL I Continued From Page One Neptune until now has bas barred to women swimmers After Arter long training Miss Ederle started from Cape Gris Nez the tho same poInt from which she set out toda today and was within six and a halt half miles or of orthe the Chalk cliffs of ot Dover when she became exhausted and collapsed col- col collapsed col collapsed lapsed In the arms of oe tu the Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian tian swimmer Helmy who ho hal had plunged Into the water to rescue her I IN EIGHT HOURS Miss Ederle was as In tho rho water eight hours bours and 66 6 minutes and the tho first part of ot her performance was regarded as ns among the best ever seen In the channel She attributed her defeat to the choPPY sea lea which caused her to swallow large quantities of saltwater salt saltwater saltwater water The American champion had bad broken all speed marks when almost without warning and just justas ILS as the cheers cheer for or her wonderful endurance for eight hours had ended the swimmer faltered asit as asIf asIt it If In pain She was given beef tea by her trainer and went ely bra on after i a minutes minute's rest but had to stop very avery few hundred yards roll on her back and massage her body Then came the collapse The limp and cuing coing girl was hauled aboard the tug o nn |