Show Th lllcvcllln Hot friend l Ii A I Inmlllar name for DoWltli Witch lIawl Sale allays imps for cinei mdte While a tprenc for paler It oleo Initiin U 1 relieves and curii cute broil malt rliMiin ccinna and all ll ullVclloni I ot 1 the skin It never fall John llojdrn it Son SonCall Call at our yardi and ne will Ink pleasure in inonlni On And I quoting prim on the many tn < aitlfnl imtiii uienti and huaditonvf now on hand Summit Marble Wok lloyti > lo Utal I If yon hate ever tirn n little child In n iviroxMin ol I hooplnicvouch I l oral you have bven antic > rI1 l bye constant tickling In the throat you can apprifla Ihe value 01 1 Un Minute Cough Cure which gives nulck relief John Ilovden Lt Son > 1 WANTKUTUUrtlWOlirilY AND active Kvntttuicn or ladles to travel for rriKin lhl vitabllihed house In I Utah Monthly 0600 and expenses Volition steady Uelerriue Kncloei addrviiud itauiped envelope The I Dominion Company Dept Y Chicago To broil tho broken and dittawd tic sure 111 iKMitho tliu irritated lurlnm to Instantly relieve and to ptrinanently I tire AI to r Ur uilMion ul leUu Witch lIuel l iUf Juhtilk > d iiVN > n Small preventions often prevent Brent mlichlof lK 1 < IIlIItlo Early tiers are wry moil palls mine but are most rtfrctlviiln previnllnij the molt sort tons foriu > iliier and stomach trouble Tliuy cite nrtlpatlon and headache regulatortho 11110iis 1 John 1I0lell ton Awarded Highest ffonbor Worlds Fair DR ICls CREAM BAKING POMR MOST PERFECT MADE A rule Cup Gram of Tartar Powder Fret horn Ammonia Alum or spy other adulterant 40 YM tin Standard funning wren Indolent ulcers and sullies tronhleii iMii though nf many wara ttaiidlnr may Iwcurnlliy using lleWltta Wllcll Haul Delve I It Kilhe rlrenulhene and 1 basely It In I the treat pile cure John hoyden A Son WASTiilTUlsf ofmi 1 Y ASI th brnIJI Yo active gentlemen or ladles to travel for ifiiiiiiiibU I toot htihel hntiM Ir Utah I Monthly KlnOO and expensive IWitlnn itiatlv Reference Encloses MlfHiMro i nl eiamprd vmi = i l < iH I > The I Dominion loiol any Dvpt Y Chicago I l 1 Postofflce Store i PEOA I Summit Co Utah 0F LYONS I Ucnornl Dealer In I All Klmln 1 of I STRTIOERYAND I I AND i SOHOOL SUPPLIES I If You Want I School Hooks Note Hooks Paper Envelopes Tablets Blanks Pens Pencils Ink InkRulers Rulers Erasers Slates Fishing Tackle or aiiytiiiii iu I that line give me a call before purchasing Postofflce Building PEOA1 UTAH SUMMIT COUNTY MarbleWorks Hoytsville Utah Before you send your money out of your county get our prices on Granite and Marble Monuments Headstones etc Work guaranteed C H WEST Propr We are alive to the fact Tint it U i Imtd for the pcopV to make both end meet tare limes We also know that time people have tome need that tutus be Supplied We feel warranted in Myiit that o ou can supply your wants fmm r our complete stock of e if FALL GOODS t Wtwve a4r titlig In outing anil fUniiifllf i fiflin 6c to 2cx a > ttrl Quilt ISntngf at 16 yard l fur St Our line of BLANKETS We htve a Rood gray for Sot A better one for yoc A fine white one Sl 17 5 An extra lieN one st o Very huge auto IIC1ty grnv2 Ito < Oun J < gmy if flue euongh for anybody S 375 We Have inmiy hove not listen hereIn here-In Mens Underwear Our stock can not be equaled We have them from 125 toss 1 n suit Our fleeced lined wear at 170 is the beat money twit buy COME AND KXAMIXK 1 THI5SK GOODSr Peoples Mercantile Co ALMA IJLDRKUGK Manager C OA L Always On Hand at the WASATCH MINE Lump tJ tJ tJ 200 Stove 125 i nmll L 00 e Pmlll tIJ a N 0 O e I f s PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co Clearance Sale in some of our lines at Bedrock Prices Call PRICES and see to convinced All other goods 3t HARD TIME G W ROBT YOUNG Wanship |