Show CUDA TO HAVE HOME RULE A Cabinet lllnllrr llrlrnr lalllnes Mlrllrs flans fur Cubs Madrid l Oct 25A member of the rny n liiAuri ma that the govern Itxnl I govern 7 wfth i 1htiP government nuloer 41 huff rage to elect municipal and provincial council and an Intulnr parliament The latter will ho comp aed of upper and lower I iliamUra having entire control of taxation and tariff There tponilblogovernment will l l l la ems posed of five mlnltter whose councils will lio presided over by the governor general gen-eral Senators and deputies for tuba ruff continue to tit In the Spanish cortr and the army navy police tribunal and foreign affair of tha colony exactly ex-actly aa tho program of the autonom Iota In Cuba and those residing In France 1 and the United 111111llIlat and expects pect no opposition from tho other colonial col-onial parties The lama mlnltUr bay that the government doe not believe the Spanish note filii bo a cause for friction with tin United States because be-cause It U I couched a friendly tone anti virtually hOI that Spain In I tie Ing what the t Culled Mute line ra iwutrdly ulvlied |