Show Teselr tlihl Poet U I > a them T CMr1 started lei lk > nan hussy Urrltou NY Ocl S3 From the sleep tint means refreshment and rat to the eternal sloop that knows no awaken ng plunged In the twinkling of aa eye yesterday morning twenty eight wale miD women and children ID the limy Ud of Die Hudson rivera river-a train laden with slumbering human sty ploughed dragging through the waters the tauengera Them wa nothing to presage the terrible accident acci-dent whlh x > suddenly deprived then uufortnnateaof life The Sew York Central train left lufTato lost night and had I progressed for nearly nine Until of the dlitance towards 1 Its destination The engineer and Ills fireman and just noted the gray dawn breaking from the edit and the light streak of red denoting the suns appearance when the great engine a servant of the rail plunged Into the depth of the river Neither engineer nor fireman will ever tell tho i story of that terrible moment With his hand upon the throttle the engineer plunged with hit engine to the river xtttoni and the fireman too wa al id putt llehlnd them came the express ex-press car the combination cars and he sleepers and these piled on lop of tie engine It known I It was a trifle foggy and that the track wa not visible but If there wa any break In the line oft of-t llt mint have been of very recent happening for only an hour before there had patted over n heavy penmen erlraln laden with human freight Neither is I nn explanation ready AllIs il All-Is conjecture Tim section of road wan supposed to I IKIhe very best mi the entire dlvilnn There mean n great heavy retaining troll all along the bunk anti while the tide wn high the day before It was not IIn preredentcd 11hat teem to have happened wa that underneath ilea track and He the hoary wail had given ny and when the great weight of the engine struck the untupported tracks It went crashing through the great of tho wall still 1 I toppled over Into the river Then there happened what on the miloil any oilier lima would have entitled dliaetcr but now proved a very hlrolng As the train plunge lover lien embankment the coupling thai held the Lint three of Hie tlx Sleepers brniu and miraculously remained on thn broken track In that way tome sixty live wr Saved |