Show UTAH NEWS rna Iounil lolllv Will Kdkon who one night In No vcmberlat In Ogden flrelthree holit from a revolver Into the body of Mini Illlln OH a former aweetherl who hail frown tired of him and two Into her reort Will McCalxi wo on the III Instant found guilty of an an Sault on MiOtt with a deadly wrap en with Intent summit mllrilir The extreme penalty is tn year penal ae r vitmle He will tried for attempting attempt-ing tlic life of MoCal a within ft for days The auMUlt wa cowardly ont waf prompted by Juttu Two or llmq Mint received by Mb OIL were fire whrn the wan prostrate frmn the rl < fccU of the flnt one with R 1 room bend tog almost over her prostrate forms IMtun turrendrnol and Inter brokn jail l and eluded the ofiltwr for ionic month He wn apprehendid In Tax at aliout u month klnee During the I trial IMson endrarnml In create ymt I path for hliDMlf hI testifying that u contract marriage exUled between himself and MM OIL The verdl l of the jury wa nnanlinou Judge IIo I lap gave him ILo limit of the law ten yean Nclpln is I having all epldemlo 01 diphtheria The State Horticultural koelety me In Halt Laka pity the Mh ark City cool hauler abandoned ledge for wagon on April L Mike Irrrhlll a miner dlrd at limn police ktntteli In 1arU city tho Sd ul aciita alcoholism I Itah In noon to hare n relic hall I where relle of early day may bo stored l and preserved Iconrd llaintnotid A ISycroM Oruud county boy ban jttat been trim for horse stealing lima jury dun Breed I halt Lake cltya aehonl 1 year hat bran ahnrlciied I half a mouth by the board of education brcuuto fund wore ex I Laiuted I Sheriff Tntlle of Rmeiy county who wan hot h l y Jno Walker whom ha wat endeavoring to arrrtt Ii I reeorirliifj III romlltlon hail tern Mirluu I Fire III the shaft of lien fierclilljjht at Sunshine carne near ending tha lire of Lew Wllaon sod At BlrlnwuyJ inlnm who reached ties surface badly aliped Pntldr Lorenzo Snow entered um 00 hlollth year tho 31 InU It wan made the occasion far a congratulatory addrrM by the worker of the Bull Lake temple A rescuing party hum left Plcanant Grove for American Turk cannon to March for tho ody of Lorenzo Jor I Cenon who I iippoMd to have per tilled In the know 1 i Thomas Ilobb n young railway employe of Ogden wa ptieeit under arrest on the 6th charged with being Implicated In the Uliituh train rob Iwry Other arrest art expected I Dr Talme lm mlgned the prel drncy of mho mate iinlrerMly nllegluir 1 unwlllliine to attuine the roponl blllty at tho reduced uliry mule nee canary by the cutting of the nppruprU tlon by the leitllatiirr Irotor ICIngibiiry will tucceed him lama xiekwooil wa about to open A tore In Pest Hull Lake the < tli hint when he nice ml I a telegram from llouton ten stating that two carloads load of good continued to lilm hoes iKen totally destroyed In a wreck I They were not Inturcd and time loan will be s heavy IreddenUVIlford Woodmff forth that time In Isle life fulled to uttrnd thekOMlon of eonferenee III 1m been confined to hi home by Illneti 1 and ulTrrrd n relapse on the ere of time I awembllnu of the Slxty ercnlh annual I an-nual conference which he thought how ho-w w enough to attend I rtfty year ago Mondiy April a the ramp at Winter quarts wm broken unit llrlgham Vouug gave orders to more toward the netting im Ilolxr C Kimball wan time first one of the party to lento camp and he went out merely on a rrcomuiUarlng expedition the Idea being to eataldlih allow ramp where further plan could be made for the long journey which elided July s 1 1817 James True In I under arrest At Silver City Cal for train robbery It It I al leged ho Is 1 the man who unaided hold up u train Intimidated the crew and falling In open time safe In tho exprei car tatlineJ Idmtelf ly rilling time rcoUUred mall by widen ills I cup pored he obtilurd upward of 131000 The fflr will bo remembered for lit boldnet After eenrlng the pouch the robber deliberately walked up the track a few yard and set down mad I collated hie cash and then lelnurcly aunteivd away The arrest w a made I on Informntlon furnlthed by the po tal Inipeetor at tVnvrr who any Trot WOODB of the leaden of a band ol train robber 111 wife who reside < In Ogden says True will l > e able to es Ubllih an alibi and U I Indignant at the barge that he wa once tho leader of a band robber |