Show r T rrov Uitox ITJIII Aurll 7 1807 l Kuinm TINUI The following nameil perioii from Uton attendel ninlrcnovt Vlllliinj lloyd l1hi wife hamnel lloMnwwi Jotm SnJtori M T mituhtty nml Axtfl Illonl tIiuPot Thus K Tgnni claH meeting havr hint I changejl < 1rom Vedneiliy evening o meet Oil feiitulav nenlng at 7 p h m Prom t ttT tecelehI by Meadowi I I lIre frojm the Himer range In ilmn I hog IttVnarned there nu huatyluwn I In I maiiKlierdi rurlinmiely Mention Hro lIAfi bnn Wen I light ro far HroQ I 4inniu of I yon InP n lelt Upton Vrl < lay Uil for inietf count 10 ci uJ lln ahearing TUy will return In Ilin 0 neniv hearing In I Xiim nit Oil iratuul the lit sIt Jittm nitAl Al illn 1 Tin TIM M of f Vprll Inl 1 jour poiHnii thliika I It high time Ihntn or m he kth 11111I1 en c I Ifrtidmlljli < iiKilie 1 I or pMevti mu hmrbWtt co from I the drop of a iiMlrh or Ihy loin cigarette whit h nre oh1 t0 jitt thrown Into dry delii I IOhlf1tilh e plIght wind a lire it 01111 P lltjarid Ivnine hatond eontrtl She I liar VMth pleattre I note I IIoroli1 I a Ttlr ot April 2nd Ihe I bhtimthtllr iient ol n cremerv In hue 0111 It m end of it wanly an lmln trr that hai long iHMirmHlMl t I by the I eople Mueh I ha b rald on thla matter and 1 very little Il4fen done Die enterprlie eiwhclI 1 IWnthee hn undlvldeil fUimrt nf f the ArnVtK awl ralldeuol tIp omctlusrm b I Ifirllnfl W the roiinly Ilrnty if milk ran In I prantreil tlmt vlHnltv in make It a pnbee lie M ran Iw I made iiiial I lo 1 and Irtiler tlmn that IUllorl1 nun IIe paHaiuHrrr from adiilleratlon It I lilmpeCtliat tlie lllilrUklnt will IK uccrMfi Je I |