Show Dempsey to Meet Luis Firpo on Sept 14 NEW YORK YORI July Chain 28 28 Cham ChampLon Cham Champion pion pLon Jack Dempsey will aill meet Luis lAngeI Angel Firpo of ot Argentine Argentino In a 15 round 15 round fight to a decision for the I i orld's arid's heavyweight champIonship at the Polo grounds on Friday I Sr 14 Promoter Te Tei Tec flick flick- Rick Rick-ard ard announced today The prices 11 range tram from 3 to 25 the lowest on record for a heavy ht elS-ht championship bout and half halt that of the tho Dempsey Dempsey- Dempsey Carpentier tickets A cro crowd 01 of I 80 Is ts expected after alter Rickard completes construction of ot flea ne around the ringside Rickard sail said the tho terms agreed upon after conference the South American boxer and Jack Kearns the champions champion's manager would not be announced until the first part of ot next week Tentative plans call for tor Firpo to train at ot City N J and Dempsey at Saratoga go 00 |