Show 1 u Gi I 1 Copyright 1923 New Now York Trib- Trib Tribune Tribune Trib Tribune une Inc Ine TI Registered U S b Patent Office I AT HID 1111 SIGN IG 01 OF urn Inn CAULI- CAULI rI nn R BAit I and 10 lou brosIo s Io low lowbrows Highbrows s bro brows bro and highbrows B I Noses s disjointed and up scrambled e ei ey Lars Ears an on Inch thick thick- thick O Or perhaps a R bit thicker Jaws out of line J From rom a fist lIst that was as quicker quicker- quicker But But say when hen the tho story Is told When hen It Its s 8 all over oer Resting In clover Who is collecting the gold old dear Who is collecting the tho gold I John D today tOdy is a second second Ilder Ider I Hennen flennery Ford rord Is a II ranking out out- outsider out outsider sider aider Both out of date Both sadly stale When pt n it comes downto nto Collecting the kale hale For lor say when tho the yarn yarn rn Is all In Kid them thom and josh them Pan them and them them- them Who Vho is collecting the tn tin old dear Who Is la collecting the tin 7 I am surprised at you corn com comments com comments ments meat a a reader with so many clan an healthy sports to take lake up that you gin gave gae 0 so much space to the fight game II- II a mixture of or roUen rotten commercialism and raw rn entertain entertain- entertainment entertainment ment where the skill courage and brains brins shown n dont don't 0 oven een en compare with the headliners In baseball football tennis golf etc ete debate Boxing beyond querulous Is far more along the line of bus I bus bus- bus business iness Int than sport It Is la possibly 97 91 per cent business ss and 8 S per cent sport But It happens to be en- en entertainment en entertainment for tor w which unnumbered ber- ber ed Id thousands a aie e tailing falling lust Just at the moment l lor or that matter the n en- entire en entire tire professional game along all lines Is pretty well ed ed commercialized commercialized up to tho the lim- lim limIt limit lim limit It it The Tho same applies mainly to tor cl at large It lt cover covers r North and South America Europe Asia and any part of ot Africa which modern ch civilization has touched This is no defense of a a pre alent evil But It I Is something like at- at attacking attacking at attacking tacking envy jealousy and other human faults faulls that tho the majority hold When Interest In sport reach reah reached reached ed Id Its present high peak penk the pro professional pro pro- professional along many lines saw his chance to clean up while the tho clean clean- cleanIng cleaning ing lag was ns fairly good and so went ent to It with aast a ast vast for enthusiasm enthusiasm I nil au the gold In sight No 0 o one can cansay say MY this thia Is highly commendable It ItIs Itis ItIs Is mere merel human oe oo of the strong strong- strongest strongest strongest est of or all human traits trails also to artists writers politicians and what iou ou will The fighters and their managers plus the promoters ore are getting all they y can about the tho same as every everyone everyOne everyone one else They y will quit getting as much when the tho public decides decider to quit paling and not aol before The rhe same Is true truo of or motion 0 stars knocking over from to a II- year They are get get- getting Bel Belting ting all they can not bothering IntenselY as to whether or not It I Is all earned or too touch much This Is Isone laone Otis one form of annoyance that seldom eldom confronts the part party raking In tile the shekel There Is one feature of ot boxing that Is all out ot or one line line one among amonia II a number ot ol others The basis bast should be for the w winner Inner to get the tho big split spilt In the There Is no justIce reason or an any ani thing else Ise In Inthe inthe Inthe the loser Joser 1 ho lie I Is champIon taking nv D most of the tho swag s as the case ae so frequently Is Why hy not let the II big end be bc earned under r fire not p paid ld 0 over ocr er as a gift gUt 0 Jo oo Boxing Is oi 0 and soon soon-or soon or Is caller Is Is head head- headed headed headed ed a brisk k fall But there thero Is no law compelling any one to pay 5 or 25 26 for a II seat Heat for any fight This may not be the altruistic Ie view viewpoint point but the rt reason a on a 1 er holds out for 14 a lay is because he thinks 01 oi knows s he can get It It If he ho thought he lIe could get 84 a aday aday day he lie would hold out for that Professional ProCessional sport Is how now clean clean- ing cleaning up amounts undreamed of ten tenor tenor tenor or twenty eais als ago ngo Sullivan and fought seventy odd J sounds for only a side but bet bet but would they have o acct accepted purses of each If It some promoter had been willing to put up the amount And some promoter or some doz- doz dozens dozens doz dozens ens of ot promoters would auld ha hae have e put up the amount It U they y had seen at nt the tho gate Vardon winning winning five open cham cham- championships greatest of all golfers was as thankful fifteen n years ago to knock down 4 14 00 or a year No Now Noi Noia a young pro wInning one one open championship Is In for 30 Larry Lajoie and Ed Del Del- Delehanty Del bitting over 0 er once held out for Cor 2400 a a tear eu an ear and didn't get It Today the hitter Is good for tor a year more than ten tea times as much Babe Habe Ruth gt gets fhe twenty times as much as and Delehanty or Mike lIke Kelly ot five twenty five sears ears or more mora ago ngo 00 |