Show ACTIVITIES BEGUN AT A T CITIZENS CAMP SALT LAKE July July Work 28 28 2 Work Work of young oung men ot of o the Inter Inter- Intermountain mountain soldiers mountain country to become becom sol sol- sol diers Is now under full awing at the citizens military training camp at Fort Douglas During the th last st three days day oung men mn have hav registered at the headquarters of the th division at Fort Douglas Doucia and of these have successfully passed the th phy- phy phy phy- physical examination Major Samuel C Gurney In charge of the cal physIcal cul tests gave gae all the leeway lee pos pos- possible pos sible but found It necessary nece ary he said to reject 19 11 of the th applicants Most of o the th defects In the th men mn can bo be corrected he h said but It will take time tim and care and to attempt tt it during the th short abort four weeks wk of the camp would be bo impracticable The medical department caught ht up with ith the waiting line Friday night and any stragglers straggler who may appear today will bo be b taken care car of without without with- with out delay i |