Show Connie Ediss English Actress Undergoes Gland Treatment According to recent press di- di dis dispatches patches Miss Connie s Idl-s Edl s famous English actress ha has hs undergone course of gland Iland treatment has restored her former vigor and also a great gret d deal al or of o her former beauty Miss lIss Ediss claims she feels years younger and has resumed her stage dancing something she has not attempted for tor years 11 H er gray hair is gradually returning to Its natural shade shado and former abundance The treatment admits admin administered to Miss Ediss was In iii the form torm ot df d a II glandular compound tak- tak taken taken tak taken en by mouth and not by ope ratio I l Such a treatment Is now obtain obtaIn- obtaInable obtainable able In the of ot a compound of ot the tha sital glands or of youn healthy animals cons con conven conen conveniently en- en enI I prepared In tablet form Is procurable at A R H McIntyre Drug Co Mall Mail orders gisen ghen prompt attention Advertise meat ment |