Show VETERAN HIKER ON I LAST ADVENTURE I CHICAGO July Walter 26 26 Walter Wright 68 Is on his way ay to the tho Pacific coast on foot on the last ot of his hikes which In the past t two 0 years ars hate ha covered miles hel he said here Since he took up hiking to regain his health broken by confining work and the deaths of dt his wife and t two 0 children I In an accident In Cleveland he has hils hiked to California Florida and Maine lame and has visited every state In the union he said i He lie e to remain In Cali Cali- fornia California after his arrival thero there this tim He the signatures ot of city officials when hen he passed through here bere and In the course ourse ot of othis his travels els ho he has accumulated a number of or souvenirs bOU In his 20 pound 20 pound pack Wright Aright rIght carried a buckeye ai an 18 1854 4 peny Deny and a rab- rab rab toot as aa charms harms against dis- dis disease dis disease ease ase and and- tir Irr luck luck luck- t too 00 oo |