Show NET TITULAR BEGUN I T lite j Six matches were ere pia play placed ed lIon lIon- SU day n-day day In the opening round in the city tennis championships on tho courts of ot the Ogden Tennis Dr E I Lapple won the tho feature contest of ot o the day by defeating W WImley in three-set three affair 6 2 Imley Emley a 6 23 6 3 64 took the second set by fast tast serving and brilliant work at nt the net In the tho final set Lapple outclassed his opponent George Eccles holder of ot the singles title of the city had rouble roubie in disposing of ot V T Stuart Ire He won on on in straight sets bY- bY by scores ot of 6 1 6 0 2 M 11 Jefferies defeated E R It Beck 6 2 6 2 Kerr Ken Hess L J Gallentine GallentIn 61 3 G- G GE 6 1 E J on on out over er C J Nix 8 6 2 G 6 Warren L Wattis met defeat at atthe atthe the 6 26 hands of ot Dr A Horsley 6 2 6 0 Earl carl Harm won from W V Par Par- ker Parker Par W Kidder won from J Ko- Ko Koyama yama Ko-yama yama and Marriner Eccles from C Parry My bly default R H B 73 Snyder failed to for Cor his hh hi match snatch with W G GFred Fred Thompson Jensen also won from Crom Thomp Thomp- son Corn by default In a second round match teh Jen- Jen s sn sen n won from R It by ot of 6 2 6 1 6 2 Nevins captured the tho first set set but was WIlS outclassed In the tho other two tao sets lIets The Tho junior tent tennis s championship for Cor bois bos bo s at the club will Wilt be played off oCt July 25 26 and 27 21 A large entry list Is h expected Te re ladles city championship will willbe 1 be b decided at the saem saeni time |