Show GROWERS WILL HOARD WHEAT Farmers Organization To Sell Product Through Cooperation I WILLIAMS DAY BAY W Ws W's July 24 The The Golden Rule Rulo will bo be b put to work rk In tn a agriculture when the American Farm Durt Bureau au federa federa- federation's federation tion's tio's tion definite plan of o co operative co mArketing gets under momentum text et lull fo all through state te growers grower AS- AS BS Samuel R R B Guard pub pub- publicity peb- peb publicity director for the federation dt declared d Monday In an address at atthe atthe the national conference of Y M MC C A count county secretaries here Instead of ot neighbor pitted against neigh neighbor bor In a mad com corn competitive e scramble tor the thc hIghest price they join tog together r pool their product and take share and nile aile for the sime grade and qualIty quality quality ity he said The holding wheat movement Is isI Isa 1 t temporary or emergency action I lIe he explained but I Is no bluff 00 op |