Show HAMMOND SEES NO COAL STRIKE BOSTON July 23 3 John John Hays Hammond chairman of the United States coal commission and Thom I 1 hom- hom homas horn horn-as as R H Marshall former vice president president dent or of o the United States w who O Is also a member of the commission lon are agreed that there will wll be no strike in the anthracite fields this fall that the coal commission will not urge President Harding to call callan callan callan an extra session of congress In con con- connection connection con connection with the fuel situation and that England th the price of coal to New Eng Ing- Ingland Ung- Ung land consumers will not bo bOo higher than during the last two years ne- ne according ac according cording to a a copyrighted cop article ap p peering today In the Boston Herald For the president to call an extra sessIon of congress to deal with the fuel situation now would be un- un uncalled Uncalled un uncalled called for and an unwarranted pro pre presumption pre presumption Mr Hammond was as quoted ott ed as asserting |